Hi folks,

The 2023.10 tag has been pushed to master on gitlab.com/lava/lava.
.deb packages have been built in GitLab CI and are published at


Docker images for amd64 and arm64 have been built in GitLab CI and
are available from




Changes in this release

# Device-types

## New device-types

New supported devices:

* acer-chromebox-cxi5-brask
* acer-cp514-2h-1130g7-volteer
* acer-cp514-2h-1160g7-volteer
* dell-latitude-5300-8145U-arcada
* hifive-unmatched-a00

# lava-docker-worker

Add a systemd unit file to start multiple lava-docker-worker instances.
systemctl start lava-docker-worker@<instance-01>
systemctl start lava-docker-worker@<instance-02>

# Scheduler race condition

A scheduler race condition has been fixed in this release. This race condition has been affecting LAVA for many years. This was causing multiple issues like:
* #620: Cannot access Multinode Job with Sub ID
* #622: One of Multinode Job Stuck in Scheduling status forever
* A device is set to reserved state without a job assigned to it

# Packages

Publish debian packages to [lava-apt-repo](https://gitlab.com/lava/lava-apt-repo/) gitlab page.


## Jobs filtering

Extend the `scheduler.jobs.list` endpoint to filter jobs that take longer than N minutes.

When there are some network issues or changes on the worker side, jobs that handled by the worker may not updated to finish state even after job timeout reached.

## Inactive users

Disable token for inactive users. This is already the case for the REST API. Extend this behavior to the XMLRPC API.


Rémi Duraffort
Principal Tech Lead
LAVA Tech Lead
Automation Software Team