Hi folks,

The 2022.10 tag has been pushed to master on git.lavasoftware.org.
.deb packages have been built in GitLab CI and are published at


Docker images for amd64 and arm64 have been built in GitLab CI and
are available from




Changes in this release

## New device-types

New supported devices:

* acer-R721T-grunt
* k3-am625-sk
* r8a77950-ulcb
* sc7180-trogdor-kingoftown

## Security issue

A security issue as been discovered in LAVA. We advice LAVA admins to upgrade their instances.

## Django authentication

Fix two authorization issues for device (type) visibility

First one is on worker detail page while looking at transitions, a non-authorized user can see device transitions for devices he's not supposed to.

Second one is the device type health history; users are able to view the whole page they're not supposed to. Also on the same page, transitions are shown to non-authorized users.

## Use monotonic times

`time.time()` is affected by system time changes like daylight savings, leap seconds and clock drift.
Monotonic time will always move forward. lava-dispatcher is now using it to compute duration and timeouts.


Rémi Duraffort
LAVA and Tux Architect