Hi folks,

We held our regular design meeting today via Hangout. Summary of brief discussion:

# 17th July 2019

# Large job definitions causing outages [deanb]

* Issue: https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/issues/299
* Wondering if for large jobs (configurable limit) simply not making ActionData objects is a sensible approach.
  * Tried this: https://git.lavasoftware.org/dean-birch/lava/commit/dd220c0bd82bf092e35e643d6d70a5fd3e23ab62
  * In my test instance this reduced outage to 30 seconds (from hours).
* If not, what else can we do?
* Anything extra needs to be added?
  * Documentation?
* [deanb] will send a patch with the first improvements (CLoader)
* [deanb] will look at using bulk save to save all objects in one call
* [stevan] investigate ActionData: is it possible to create them later on or even maybe not creating them?

# Test from inline with git [milosz]

The idea is to source test-definition YAML from inline but use git repository to prepare overlay. Example: https://github.com/andersson/bootrr

Bjorn doesn’t want to have YAML file in this repository

[Rémi] Using install.git-repos might work
* https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/blob/master/lava_dispatcher/tests/testdefs/install.yaml#L13
* https://docs.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava_test_shell.html#adding-git-bzr-repositories

[milosz] will try install.git-repos

If that’s working Rémi will add some tests in lavafed or meta-lava

# Switching between serial connections on device with multiple UARTs [Malcolm Brooks]

* Issue: We have devices which use separate serial outputs for MCC, AP and SCP UARTs.
* Workaround: Use the `new_connection` boot method to switch between UART1 and UART2 in order to catch the kernel booting once MCC flash stage is complete.
* Idea: Allow all connections (or possibly a subset defined in the “connection_tags” for example) to be established and followed from the beginning of the job, and allow each action/stage to select which they are actually listening/interacting with the `connection` option (example below).

- boot:
   namespace: target
   connection: uart1
   method: minimal

[Rémi] Sounds like a good idea.
* Using feedback LAVA can already use one connection and listen/print the other ones
* Malcom will create an issue on gitlab.


The LAVA design meeting is held weekly, every Wednesday at 13:00 to
14:00 UTC using Google Hangouts Meet: https://meet.google.com/qre-rgen-zwc
Feel free to comment here or join us directly in the meeting.

Minutes from this and previous meetings are also stored in the LAVA wiki:



Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Team, Linaro