Hello Frank,

on the server you could run: "lava-server manage check --deploy"
This will run some checks on the current setup. This will also check that the health-checks that you provide are valid job definitions.


Le lun. 11 mars 2019 à 16:16, Frank, Matthias <Matthias.Frank@tq-group.com> a écrit :

Hello lava users,


my lava 2019.01 shows me a device with Health == Bad. The Transitions log give that message:

March11, 3:02p.m.


Good → Bad (Invalid device configuration)


Where can I found information about a misconfigured device? The log files did not provide (in my eyes) sufficient information.  


As Health checks I use the smoke-tests.


Kinds Regards,


Lava-users mailing list

Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Team, Linaro