
by default LAVA will send the strings without any delay between each character. Some boards are not able to handle such input and will randomly drop some characters.

When test_character_delay is used, LAVA will wait N milliseconds between each character. This is usual fixing (it's a workaround in fact) the hardware issue.


Le jeu. 9 avr. 2020 à 04:06, Larry Shen <larry.shen@nxp.com> a écrit :

Sometimes for some device, when lava enter “/lava-55904/bin/lava-test-runner /lava-55904/0”

It looks it will print:
-sh: /lava-55904/bin/lava-test-runnera-55904/0: No such file or directory


Looks some character miss.


We increases the test_character_delay, looks useful, but I’m interested about the details, so for next which you mentioned in the code:

What exactly “slow serial problems(iPXE)” mean, could you explain more about it or any reference materteral I can had a look?

Then I could know: yes, it’s exactly the same problem I have.


>>>    Extends pexpect.sendline so that it can support the delay argument which allows a delay

        between sending each character to get around slow serial problems (iPXE).

        pexpect sendline does exactly the same thing: calls send for the string then os.linesep.

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Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Architect