On Tue, 14 Aug 2018 at 14:56, ljh_dev <ljh_dev@126.com> wrote:
Under  boot label, it has some sub labels such as oe,matser,nfs ..

Those are blocks of instructions used to boot that particular method in U-Boot.

Typically you can ignore "master", that's from older styles. NFS differs from ramdisk by setting the variables to tell the kernel where to find the NFS, for example.

The nice thing with U-Boot is that most U-Boot device integrations don't need to make any changes here.

It sounds, from other messages about this device, that your device might need some changes. So limit yourself to those instruction blocks which will be useful for your testing - typically ramdisk and nfs. You might be interested in nbd but ums is specialised to devices which offer a USB mass storage interface from U-Boot to write to local flash etc. The sata commands are for the (few) devices which can load files from SATA within U-Boot. It doesn't hurt to have these instruction blocks listed - the block to use is determined by the test job:

That test job specifies commands: nfs so the nfs instruction block is sent to the DUT.

oe and master are no longer used.

base-uboot has become quite complex over time - possibly the best view is to look at a working U-Boot device dictionary and compare the Jinja2 view with the YAML view:

Could you explain to me about the relationship among oe,matser,nfs ..

在 2018-08-14 20:37:52,"Zoran S" <zoran.stojsavljevic.de@gmail.com> 写道:

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 2:29 PM, ljh_dev <ljh_dev@126.com> wrote:
Don't need to set connection_list command? 
It say:
  connection_list - the list of hardware ports which are configured for serial connections to the device.

在 2018-08-14 20:24:06,"Zoran S" <zoran.stojsavljevic.de@gmail.com> 写道:

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 1:42 PM, ljh_dev <ljh_dev@126.com> wrote:
The board has usb serial, it connected to computer running dispatcher. On dispatcher computer that  usb serial device name is /dev/ttyUSB0 .
How to configure  usb serial in device .jinja2  file?


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