For 2019.04 version, we see next:


Job context



The schema validator is now checking the content of the `context` dictionary. Only the following keys are now allowed:


* `arch`, `boot_console`, `boot_root`, `cpu`, `extra_options`, `guestfs_driveid`, `guestfs_interface`, `guestfs_size`, `machine`, `memory`, `model`, `monitor`, `netdevice`, `serial`, `vga`

* `bootloader_prompt`, `console_device`, `extra_kernel_args`, `extra_nfsroot_args`, `kernel_loglevel`, `kernel_start_message`, `lava_test_results_dir`, `menu_interrupt_prompt`, `mustang_menu_list`, `test_character_delay`, `tftp_mac_address`


Jobs using keys that are not listed in this list will be rejected.


We usually set an customized context in job, and in device-type jinja2, use this context to just different value to set proper parameters.

After this limit, all things break!


So, my question is:


lava could be designed to as a framework to give freedom to users to do their things as in the past, why we now enhance so many limits to users?

And additional, and workaround for my scenario?


