Hi Marcel,

On Fri, 5 Mar 2021 at 17:06, Marcel Trattner <marcel.trattner@expleogroup.com> wrote:

Dear LAVA-Team,


I’m writing you again, because we are still struggling to get our LAVA infrastructure running. Since the last time we have switched from the more advanced Board to a set of three Raspberry Pis, which we want to test with different Operating Systems to gain more experience in using LAVA.


For the configuration of our Raspberry Pi, running Rasbian, we can’t quite get past the login and reboot phase. It is connected via serial and integrated with Ser2Net, the device dictionary looks like this now:

Have you first tried to access the device manually from the worker using telnet? just to be sure the 'connection' is working and to check if you get a prompt.
