Section 0 0.0 2016-03-26 08:31:18 AM DEBUG: [ACTION-B] Single node test! 0.1 2016-03-26 08:31:18 AM DEBUG: lmp modules default init data is [] 0.2 2016-03-26 08:31:18 AM DEBUG: lmp modules final init data is [] 0.3 2016-03-26 08:31:18 AM INFO: [ACTION-B] deploy_linaro_kernel is started with {u'dtb': u'', u'bootloadertype': u'uefi', u'target_type': u'ubuntu', u'kernel': u''} 0.4 2016-03-26 08:31:18 AM DEBUG: Attempting to set deployment data 0.5 2016-03-26 08:31:18 AM DEBUG: About to download to the host 0.6 2016-03-26 08:31:18 AM INFO: Downloading image: 0.7 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM INFO: md5sum of downloaded content: cf06e8e8fb2b47fb7596048407937c52 0.8 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM DEBUG: sha256sum of downloaded content: b2b57147a8662d51564ee2c20748249e4d54d53b991123b11f6c0faa9fccae56 0.9 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM DEBUG: About to download to the host 0.10 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM INFO: Downloading image: 0.11 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM INFO: md5sum of downloaded content: 6577d84ef771cc7f06aad17f7c37e4a9 0.12 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM DEBUG: sha256sum of downloaded content: 1e27f621d8f5648e878f4b2a6fee2d30a745ff63f7596d0b5076db5b74eb411b 0.13 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM DEBUG: setting status pass 0.14 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM DEBUG: finally status pass 0.15 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM INFO: [ACTION-E] deploy_linaro_kernel is finished successfully. 0.16 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM INFO: [ACTION-B] boot_linaro_image is started with {} 0.17 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM INFO: Booting the test image. Attempt: 1 0.18 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM INFO: Attempting to connect to device using: telnet localhost 20095 0.19 2016-03-26 08:31:20 AM DEBUG: expect (10): '['Connection closed by foreign host\\.', 'Connected\\.\r', 'Data Buffering Suspended\\.', 'Connection refused', ]' Section 1 1.0 Trying 1.1 Connected to localhost. 1.2 Escape character is '^]'. 1.3 1.4 ser2net port 20095 device /dev/ttyUSB1 [115200 N81] (Debian GNU/Linux) 1.5 Section 2 2.0 2016-03-26 08:31:30 AM INFO: Matched which means all-good 2.1 2016-03-26 08:31:30 AM INFO: Perform hard reset on the system 2.2 2016-03-26 08:31:30 AM DEBUG: Executing on host : '['nice', 'sh', '-c', u'/usr/bin/ap7921-control 3 3']' Section 3 skip 115 lines to next log entry → 3.0 spawn telnet 3.1 Trying 3.2 Connected to 3.3 Escape character is '^]'. 3.4 3.5 User Name : apc 3.6 Password : *** 3.7 3.8 3.9 American Power Conversion Network Management Card AOS v3.7.4 3.10 (c) Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved Rack PDU APP v3.7.4 3.11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12 Name : RackPDU Date : 06/17/2001 3.13 Contact : Unknown Time : 03:38:48 3.14 Location : Unknown User : Administrator 3.15 Up Time : 3 Days 5 Hours 58 Minutes Stat : P+ N+ A+ 3.16 3.17 Switched Rack PDU: Communication Established 3.18 3.19 ------- Control Console ------------------------------------------------------- 3.20 3.21 1- Device Manager 3.22 2- Network 3.23 3- System 3.24 4- Logout 3.25 3.26 - Main Menu, - Refresh, - Event Log 3.27 > 1 3.28 3.29 ------- Device Manager -------------------------------------------------------- 3.30 3.31 1- Phase Management 3.32 2- Outlet Management 3.33 3- Power Supply Status 3.34 4- PDU Configuration 3.35 3.36 - Back, - Refresh, - Event Log 3.37 > 2 3.38 3.39 ------- Outlet Management ----------------------------------------------------- 3.40 3.41 1- Outlet Control/Configuration 3.42 2- Outlet Restriction 3.43 3.44 - Back, - Refresh, - Event Log 3.45 > 1 3.46 3.47 ------- Outlet Control/Configuration ------------------------------------------ 3.48 3.49 1- Outlet 1 ON 3.50 2- Outlet 2 ON 3.51 3- Outlet 3 ON 3.52 4- Outlet 4 ON 3.53 5- Outlet 5 ON 3.54 6- Outlet 6 ON 3.55 7- Outlet 7 ON 3.56 8- Outlet 8 ON 3.57 9- Master Control/Configuration 3.58 3.59 - Back, - Refresh, - Event Log 3.60 > 3.61 3.62 ------- Outlet Control/Configuration ------------------------------------------ 3.63 3.64 1- Outlet 1 ON 3.65 2- Outlet 2 ON 3.66 3- Outlet 3 ON 3.67 4- Outlet 4 ON 3.68 5- Outlet 5 ON 3.69 6- Outlet 6 ON 3.70 7- Outlet 7 ON 3.71 8- Outlet 8 ON 3.72 9- Master Control/Configuration 3.73 3.74 - Back, - Refresh, - Event Log 3.75 > 3 3.76 3.77 ------- Outlet 3 -------------------------------------------------------------- 3.78 3.79 Name : Outlet 3 3.80 Outlet : 3 3.81 State : ON 3.82 3.83 1- Control Outlet 3.84 2- Configure Outlet 3.85 3.86 ?- Help, - Back, - Refresh, - Event Log 3.87 > 1 3.88 3.89 ------- Control Outlet -------------------------------------------------------- 3.90 3.91 Name : Outlet 3 3.92 Outlet : 3 3.93 State : ON 3.94 3.95 1- Immediate On 3.96 2- Immediate Off 3.97 3- Immediate Reboot 3.98 4- Delayed On 3.99 5- Delayed Off 3.100 6- Delayed Reboot 3.101 7- Cancel 3.102 3.103 ?- Help, - Back, - Refresh, - Event Log 3.104 > 3 3.105 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.106 Immediate Reboot 3.107 3.108 This command will immediately shutdown 3.109 outlet 3 named 'Outlet 3', delay for 5 seconds, 3.110 and then restart. 3.111 3.112 Enter 'YES' to continue or to cancel : YES 3.113 Command successfully issued. 3.114 Section 4 4.0 Press to continue...2016-03-26 08:31:35 AM DEBUG: expect (120): 'seconds to stop automatical booting' Section 5 skip 1151 lines to next log entry → 5.0 �TTTT 5.1 1TTT 5.2 Boot firmware (version Estuary v2.2 D02 UEFI) 5.3 add-symbol-file /home/g00179230/edk2/Build/Pv660D02Source/RELEASE_GCC48/AARCH64/HwPkg/Override/ArmPlatformPkg/Sec/Sec/DEBUG/ArmPlatformSec.dll 0xA4801800 5.4 Trust Zone Configuration is disabled 5.5 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore/PrePeiCoreMPCore/DEBUG/ArmPlatformPrePeiCore.dll 0xA4841800 5.6 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei/PeiMain/DEBUG/PeiCore.dll 0xA4849100 5.7 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Pei/Pcd/DEBUG/PcdPeim.dll 0xA4890640 5.8 Loading PEIM at 0x000A4890560 EntryPoint=0x000A4890640 PcdPeim.efi 5.9 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/ArmPlatformPkg/PlatformPei/PlatformPeim/DEBUG/PlatformPei.dll 0xA4859670 5.10 Loading PEIM at 0x000A4859590 EntryPoint=0x000A4859670 PlatformPei.efi 5.11 Platform PEIM Loaded 5.12 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/FaultTolerantWritePei/FaultTolerantWritePei/DEBUG/FaultTolerantWritePei.dll 0xA485CB08 5.13 Loading PEIM at 0x000A485CA28 EntryPoint=0x000A485CB08 FaultTolerantWritePei.efi 5.14 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/Pei/VariablePei/DEBUG/PeiVariable.dll 0xA4860D60 5.15 Loading PEIM at 0x000A4860C80 EntryPoint=0x000A4860D60 PeiVariable.efi 5.16 add-symbol-file /home/g00179230/edk2/Build/Pv660D02Source/RELEASE_GCC48/AARCH64/HwPkg/Override/ArmPlatformPkg/MemoryInitPei/MemoryInitPeim/DEBUG/MemoryInit.dll 0xA4865D00 5.17 Loading PEIM at 0x000A4865C20 EntryPoint=0x000A4865D00 MemoryInit.efi 5.18 Memory Init PEIM Loaded 5.19 GetVariable Not Found! 5.20 Get Default Setup Configration 5.21 $$$ Initialize Totem I2C 5.22 5.23 Press 't' or 'T' to run MarginTest in 3 seconds, any other press to pass 5.24 LotId 0x104757257, NameId 0x0 5.25 Read SPD from-> DeviceType: SPD Socket:0 Port:1 SlaveAddr:0x50 5.26 SPD_KEY_BYTE: 0xB 5.27 SPD_KEY_BYTE2: 0x1 5.28 SPD_MODULE_ORG_DDR3: 0x9 5.29 SPD_FTB: 0x11 5.30 SPD_MTB_DIVEND: 0x1 5.31 SPD_MTB_DIVISOR: 0x8 5.32 SPD_MIN_TCK: 0xA 5.33 SPD_FTB_TCK: 0x0 5.34 $$$ skt 0, ch 0, dimm 0, speed 1600, tCK : 12500 5.35 Read SPD from-> DeviceType: SPD Socket:0 Port:1 SlaveAddr:0x51 5.36 SPD_KEY_BYTE: 0x0 5.37 Socket[0] Channel[0] Dimm[1] is empty. 5.38 Read SPD from-> DeviceType: SPD Socket:0 Port:0 SlaveAddr:0x50 5.39 SPD_KEY_BYTE: 0xB 5.40 SPD_KEY_BYTE2: 0x1 5.41 SPD_MODULE_ORG_DDR3: 0x9 5.42 SPD_FTB: 0x11 5.43 SPD_MTB_DIVEND: 0x1 5.44 SPD_MTB_DIVISOR: 0x8 5.45 SPD_MIN_TCK: 0xA 5.46 SPD_FTB_TCK: 0x0 5.47 $$$ skt 0, ch 1, dimm 0, speed 1600, tCK : 12500 5.48 Read SPD from-> DeviceType: SPD Socket:0 Port:0 SlaveAddr:0x51 5.49 SPD_KEY_BYTE: 0x0 5.50 Socket[0] Channel[1] Dimm[1] is empty. 5.51 $$$ GblData->DdrFreqIdx: 7 GblData->Tck:12500 5.52 $$$ pGblData->MaxSPCNum 2 5.53 $$$skt 0, ch 0, maxPORFreqIdx 7 5.54 $$$skt 0, ch 1, maxPORFreqIdx 7 5.55 $$$ pGblData->DdrFreqIdx 7, pGblData->Tck 12500 5.56 $$$ GblData.Freq 1600 5.57 $$$ Get DIMM SPD information 5.58 Get SPD from Socket 0 Channel 0 Dimm 0[I2C Port 1 Slave 0x50] 5.59 SPD_SDRAM_BANKS: 0x4 5.60 SPD_SDRAM_ADDR: 0x21 5.61 SPD_VDD_SUPPORT: 0x2 5.62 SPD_MEM_BUS_WID: 0xB 5.63 PrimaryBusWidth: 64 bits 5.64 ExtensionBusWidth: 8 bits 5.65 RankSize: 4096 MB 5.66 SPDRMId: 0x3206 5.67 SPDMMfgId: 0x4304 5.68 SPDMMDate: 0x1315 5.69 SPDSerialNum: 0xEB355941 5.70 SpdModPart[0]: 0x52 5.71 SpdModPart[1]: 0x4D 5.72 SpdModPart[2]: 0x53 5.73 SpdModPart[3]: 0x36 5.74 SpdModPart[4]: 0x31 5.75 SpdModPart[5]: 0x30 5.76 SpdModPart[6]: 0x31 5.77 SpdModPart[7]: 0x4D 5.78 SpdModPart[8]: 0x45 5.79 SpdModPart[9]: 0x36 5.80 SpdModPart[10]: 0x38 5.81 SpdModPart[11]: 0x46 5.82 SpdModPart[12]: 0x41 5.83 SpdModPart[13]: 0x46 5.84 SpdModPart[14]: 0x31 5.85 SpdModPart[15]: 0x36 5.86 SpdModPart[16]: 0x30 5.87 SpdModPart[17]: 0x30 5.88 SPD_MIN_TWR: 0x78 5.89 $$$ MTBNUM :120 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x249F0 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.90 SPD_MIN_TRCD: 0x69 5.91 SPD_FTB_TRCD: 0x0 5.92 $$$ MTBNUM :105 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x200B2 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.93 SPD_MIN_TRRD: 0x30 5.94 $$$ MTBNUM :48 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0xEA60 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.95 SPD_EXT_TRC_TRAS: 0x11 5.96 SPD_MIN_TRAS: 0x18 5.97 SPD_MIN_TRC: 0x81 5.98 SPD_FTB_TRC: 0x0 5.99 $$$ MTBNUM :280 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x55730 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.100 $$$ MTBNUM :385 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x757E2 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.101 SPD_MIN_TRFC_MSB: 0x8 5.102 SPD_MIN_TRFC_LSB: 0x20 5.103 tRFC: 0x820 5.104 $$$ MTBNUM :2080 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x27AC40 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.105 tempCkNum: 0xD0 5.106 SPD_MIN_TWTR: 0x3C 5.107 $$$ MTBNUM :60 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x124F8 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.108 SPD_MIN_TRTP: 0x3C 5.109 $$$ MTBNUM :60 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x124F8 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.110 SPD_MIN_TAA: 0x69 5.111 SPD_FTB_TAA: 0x0 5.112 $$$ MTBNUM :105 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x200B2 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.113 SPD_UN_TFAW: 0x0 5.114 SPD_MIN_TFAW: 0xF0 5.115 $$$ MTBNUM :240 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x493E0 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.116 SPD_MIN_TRP: 0x69 5.117 SPD_FTB_TRP: 0x0 5.118 $$$ MTBNUM :105 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x200B2 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.119 $$$ tempCkNum: 11 5.120 Get SPD from Socket 0 Channel 1 Dimm 0[I2C Port 0 Slave 0x50] 5.121 SPD_SDRAM_BANKS: 0x4 5.122 SPD_SDRAM_ADDR: 0x21 5.123 SPD_VDD_SUPPORT: 0x2 5.124 SPD_MEM_BUS_WID: 0xB 5.125 PrimaryBusWidth: 64 bits 5.126 ExtensionBusWidth: 8 bits 5.127 RankSize: 4096 MB 5.128 SPDRMId: 0x3206 5.129 SPDMMfgId: 0x4304 5.130 SPDMMDate: 0x1315 5.131 SPDSerialNum: 0xEB320E41 5.132 SpdModPart[0]: 0x52 5.133 SpdModPart[1]: 0x4D 5.134 SpdModPart[2]: 0x53 5.135 SpdModPart[3]: 0x36 5.136 SpdModPart[4]: 0x31 5.137 SpdModPart[5]: 0x30 5.138 SpdModPart[6]: 0x31 5.139 SpdModPart[7]: 0x4D 5.140 SpdModPart[8]: 0x45 5.141 SpdModPart[9]: 0x36 5.142 SpdModPart[10]: 0x38 5.143 SpdModPart[11]: 0x46 5.144 SpdModPart[12]: 0x41 5.145 SpdModPart[13]: 0x46 5.146 SpdModPart[14]: 0x31 5.147 SpdModPart[15]: 0x36 5.148 SpdModPart[16]: 0x30 5.149 SpdModPart[17]: 0x30 5.150 SPD_MIN_TWR: 0x78 5.151 $$$ MTBNUM :120 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x249F0 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.152 SPD_MIN_TRCD: 0x69 5.153 SPD_FTB_TRCD: 0x0 5.154 $$$ MTBNUM :105 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x200B2 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.155 SPD_MIN_TRRD: 0x30 5.156 $$$ MTBNUM :48 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0xEA60 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.157 SPD_EXT_TRC_TRAS: 0x11 5.158 SPD_MIN_TRAS: 0x18 5.159 SPD_MIN_TRC: 0x81 5.160 SPD_FTB_TRC: 0x0 5.161 $$$ MTBNUM :280 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x55730 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.162 $$$ MTBNUM :385 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x757E2 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.163 SPD_MIN_TRFC_MSB: 0x8 5.164 SPD_MIN_TRFC_LSB: 0x20 5.165 tRFC: 0x820 5.166 $$$ MTBNUM :2080 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x27AC40 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.167 tempCkNum: 0xD0 5.168 SPD_MIN_TWTR: 0x3C 5.169 $$$ MTBNUM :60 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x124F8 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.170 SPD_MIN_TRTP: 0x3C 5.171 $$$ MTBNUM :60 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x124F8 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.172 SPD_MIN_TAA: 0x69 5.173 SPD_FTB_TAA: 0x0 5.174 $$$ MTBNUM :105 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x200B2 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.175 SPD_UN_TFAW: 0x0 5.176 SPD_MIN_TFAW: 0xF0 5.177 $$$ MTBNUM :240 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x493E0 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.178 SPD_MIN_TRP: 0x69 5.179 SPD_FTB_TRP: 0x0 5.180 $$$ MTBNUM :105 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x200B2 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.181 $$$ tempCkNum: 11 5.182 ---------------------------------------- 5.183 Socket Channel Dimm Present 5.184 0 0 0 YES 5.185 0 0 1 NOT 5.186 0 0 2 NOT 5.187 0 1 0 YES 5.188 0 1 1 NOT 5.189 0 1 2 NOT 5.190 0 2 0 NOT 5.191 0 2 1 NOT 5.192 0 2 2 NOT 5.193 0 3 0 NOT 5.194 0 3 1 NOT 5.195 0 3 2 NOT 5.196 ---------------------------------------- 5.197 -------------- CPU info for Socket 0 -------------- 5.198 CPU Frequency: 2100MHz TSMC 5.199 PLL2 Frequency: 800MHz TSMC 5.200 PLL3 Frequency: 800MHz TSMC 5.201 PLL4 Frequency: 800MHz TSMC 5.202 Wafer ID: 2 5.203 Position X: -6 Y: 9 5.204 CP Test Date: 2015-01-26 5.205 ------------------------------------------------------ 5.206 ------------- System Memory Speed -------------------- 5.207 DDR Frequency: 1600MHz 5.208 ------------------------------------------------------ 5.209 $$$ Initialize data structure 5.210 SPD_CAS_LT_SUP_MSB: 0x0 5.211 SPD_CAS_LT_SUP_LSB: 0xFE 5.212 $$$ MTBNUM :105 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x200B2 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.213 CL=11, CLSupport=0xFE 5.214 Socket[0] Channel[0] Base:[0x80340000] 5.215 DDRPHY PLL OK! 5.216 DDRPHY INIT COMPLETED! 5.217 DDR reset assert 5.218 DDR reset de-assert OK! 5.219 $$$ddrcCfgRnkVol: 0x152 5.220 $$$ddrcCfgRnkVol: 0x152 5.221 DDR exit self-refresh! 5.222 Rank[0]:SFC ZQCL send... 5.223 Rank[0] INIT OK! 5.224 Rank[1]:SFC ZQCL send... 5.225 Rank[1] INIT OK! 5.226 Write Leveling Start 5.227 Write leveling for rank[0] begin! 5.228 Send the 304th DQS Strobe to the dram . hsPhyWrLvlResp.u32:0x3FFFF 5.229 Write leveling for rank[0] Done 5.230 Write leveling for rank[1] begin! 5.231 Send the 304th DQS Strobe to the dram . hsPhyWrLvlResp.u32:0x3FFFF 5.232 Write leveling for rank[1] Done 5.233 Write Leveling2 Start 5.234 Gate Leveling Start 5.235 Gate leveling for rank[0] begin! 5.236 Gate leveling for rank[0] done! 5.237 Gate leveling for rank[1] begin! 5.238 Gate leveling for rank[1] done! 5.239 Gate Leveling Adjust 5.240 Gate Adjust Training Start 5.241 Read_dataeye_training Start 5.242 addlatency 0xBD 5.243 SetPhyIeTiming 0x80800000 5.244 byteIndex: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 5.245 Read dataeye training for rank[0] Done 5.246 addlatency 0xBD 5.247 SetPhyIeTiming 0x80800100 5.248 byteIndex: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 5.249 Read dataeye training for rank[1] Done 5.250 Write_dataeye_training Start 5.251 SetPhyIeTiming 0x80800000 5.252 Write dataeye training for rank[0] Done 5.253 SetPhyIeTiming 0x80800100 5.254 Write dataeye training for rank[1] Done 5.255 The smallest RddqsLatencyAdjust = 0x0. 5.256 The smallest RddqsLatencyAdjustX4 = 0x0. 5.257 Before adjust:DmcReg[0x8188]=0x08060304. 5.258 After adjust:DmcReg[0x8188]=0x08060304. 5.259 5.260 PhyClkWrdqsSlaveDelay 5.261 Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3 5.262 Byte0 0x01AE027A 0x01AE027A 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.263 Byte1 0x017E0270 0x01840276 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.264 Byte2 0x013A027A 0x012E0275 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.265 Byte3 0x00F80276 0x00F20276 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.266 Byte4 0x006C0273 0x00720274 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.267 Byte5 0x00A20271 0x00BA0277 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.268 Byte6 0x00F20275 0x00E60273 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.269 Byte7 0x013A0272 0x012E0270 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.270 Byte8 0x00AE027A 0x009C0279 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.271 5.272 PhyWritePathLatAdd 5.273 Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3 5.274 Byte0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.275 Byte1 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.276 Byte2 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.277 Byte3 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.278 Byte4 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.279 Byte5 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.280 Byte6 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.281 Byte7 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.282 Byte8 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.283 5.284 RddqsGate 5.285 Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3 5.286 Byte0 0x0700027C 0x07000274 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.287 Byte1 0x0700021E 0x07000218 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.288 Byte2 0x070001DA 0x070001DA 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.289 Byte3 0x0700018E 0x0700018E 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.290 Byte4 0x07000190 0x07000188 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.291 Byte5 0x070001C6 0x070001D0 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.292 Byte6 0x07000248 0x07000248 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.293 Byte7 0x0700027E 0x07010088 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.294 Byte8 0x07000146 0x07000146 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.295 5.296 RddqsDqnFallRiseSlaveDelay 5.297 Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3 5.298 Byte0 0x00C500C5 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.299 0x00C600C5 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.300 0x00C600C5 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.301 0x00C500C5 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.302 0x00C600C5 0x00C300C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.303 0x00C600C5 0x00C400C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.304 0x00C600C6 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.305 0x00C600C5 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.306 Byte1 0x00C600C7 0x00CE00CD 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.307 0x00C700C7 0x00CE00CE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.308 0x00C600C7 0x00CE00CE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.309 0x00C600C7 0x00CE00CE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.310 0x00C700C6 0x00CF00CE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.311 0x00C800C7 0x00CF00CE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.312 0x00C600C7 0x00CE00CD 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.313 0x00C700C7 0x00CE00CD 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.314 Byte2 0x00C600C6 0x00C800C8 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.315 0x00C600C6 0x00C800C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.316 0x00C600C5 0x00C800C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.317 0x00C600C6 0x00C800C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.318 0x00C600C6 0x00C800C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.319 0x00C600C6 0x00C900C8 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.320 0x00C600C5 0x00C800C8 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.321 0x00C500C7 0x00C900C8 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.322 Byte3 0x00C900CA 0x00C800C8 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.323 0x00CA00CA 0x00C900CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.324 0x00CA00CB 0x00C900C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.325 0x00CB00CA 0x00C800C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.326 0x00CA00CA 0x00C900CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.327 0x00C900C9 0x00C800C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.328 0x00CA00CA 0x00CA00C8 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.329 0x00C900CA 0x00C900C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.330 Byte4 0x00C900C7 0x00CA00CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.331 0x00C800C8 0x00CA00C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.332 0x00C800C9 0x00CA00CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.333 0x00C900C9 0x00CA00CB 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.334 0x00C900C9 0x00CA00CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.335 0x00C800C9 0x00CA00CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.336 0x00C900C9 0x00CA00C8 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.337 0x00C800C8 0x00CA00CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.338 Byte5 0x00C800C8 0x00C900CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.339 0x00C800C8 0x00C900C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.340 0x00C800C8 0x00C900CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.341 0x00C900C8 0x00C900CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.342 0x00C800C8 0x00C900C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.343 0x00C800C9 0x00C900CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.344 0x00C800C8 0x00CA00CA 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.345 0x00C700C8 0x00CB00C9 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.346 Byte6 0x00C500C4 0x00CB00CC 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.347 0x00C400C4 0x00CC00CC 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.348 0x00C400C3 0x00CC00CB 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.349 0x00C300C4 0x00CC00CB 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.350 0x00C400C4 0x00CD00CB 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.351 0x00C300C3 0x00CC00CC 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.352 0x00C400C4 0x00CB00CB 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.353 0x00C400C4 0x00CC00CB 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.354 Byte7 0x00C900C9 0x00C700C8 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.355 0x00C800C9 0x00C700C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.356 0x00C800C8 0x00C700C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.357 0x00C800C8 0x00C700C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.358 0x00C800C8 0x00C700C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.359 0x00C800C8 0x00C700C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.360 0x00C800C9 0x00C800C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.361 0x00C900C8 0x00C700C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.362 Byte8 0x00C200C2 0x00C600C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.363 0x00C200C2 0x00C700C6 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.364 0x00C200C3 0x00C700C6 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.365 0x00C200C1 0x00C700C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.366 0x00C200C2 0x00C600C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.367 0x00C300C2 0x00C700C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.368 0x00C300C2 0x00C700C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.369 0x00C200C2 0x00C700C7 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.370 5.371 PhyClkWrdqnSlaveDelay 5.372 Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3 5.373 Byte0 0x027A0279 0x02780279 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.374 0x027A0279 0x02790279 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.375 0x027A0279 0x02790278 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.376 0x027A027A 0x027A0279 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.377 Byte1 0x02710272 0x02760276 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.378 0x02700272 0x02760275 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.379 0x02710272 0x02750276 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.380 0x02700271 0x02760276 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.381 Byte2 0x02790279 0x02760277 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.382 0x027A027A 0x02760276 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.383 0x0279027A 0x02760275 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.384 0x027A027B 0x02750275 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.385 Byte3 0x02760276 0x02760277 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.386 0x02750275 0x02760278 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.387 0x02750274 0x02750277 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.388 0x02760275 0x02760277 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.389 Byte4 0x02740274 0x02740274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.390 0x02740274 0x02740275 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.391 0x02740274 0x02740274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.392 0x02730274 0x02740274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.393 Byte5 0x02700270 0x02770276 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.394 0x02700270 0x02770275 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.395 0x02700270 0x02770276 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.396 0x0271026F 0x02770276 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.397 Byte6 0x02760275 0x02740274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.398 0x02740276 0x02740275 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.399 0x02750274 0x02750274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.400 0x02750274 0x02730275 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.401 Byte7 0x02730273 0x02700270 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.402 0x02720273 0x0270026F 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.403 0x02730272 0x0270026F 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.404 0x02720273 0x02700271 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.405 Byte8 0x027A027B 0x02790279 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.406 0x027B027B 0x027A027A 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.407 0x027B027C 0x02790279 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.408 0x027A027A 0x02790279 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.409 0x803484A8 = 0x12345678 5.410 0x803484AC = 0x5A5A5A5A 5.411 0x803484B0 = 0x87654321 5.412 0x803484B4 = 0xA5A5A5A5 5.413 0x803484B8 = 0x0 5.414 0x803484BC = 0x0 5.415 0x803484C0 = 0xFFFFFFFF 5.416 0x803484C4 = 0xFFFFFFFF 5.417 0x803484C8 = 0xFF00FF00 5.418 Socket[0] Channel[0] DDR Init Finished! 5.419 $$$ Initialize data structure 5.420 SPD_CAS_LT_SUP_MSB: 0x0 5.421 SPD_CAS_LT_SUP_LSB: 0xFE 5.422 $$$ MTBNUM :105 mtb: 1250; FtbNum:0 ftb: 10 tempVal:0x200B2 TCK_1p10ps:12500 5.423 CL=11, CLSupport=0xFE 5.424 Socket[0] Channel[1] Base:[0x80350000] 5.425 DDRPHY PLL OK! 5.426 DDRPHY INIT COMPLETED! 5.427 DDR reset assert 5.428 DDR reset de-assert OK! 5.429 $$$ddrcCfgRnkVol: 0x152 5.430 $$$ddrcCfgRnkVol: 0x152 5.431 DDR exit self-refresh! 5.432 Rank[0]:SFC ZQCL send... 5.433 Rank[0] INIT OK! 5.434 Rank[1]:SFC ZQCL send... 5.435 Rank[1] INIT OK! 5.436 Write Leveling Start 5.437 Write leveling for rank[0] begin! 5.438 Send the 352th DQS Strobe to the dram . hsPhyWrLvlResp.u32:0x3FFFF 5.439 Write leveling for rank[0] Done 5.440 Write leveling for rank[1] begin! 5.441 Send the 304th DQS Strobe to the dram . hsPhyWrLvlResp.u32:0x3FFFF 5.442 Write leveling for rank[1] Done 5.443 Write Leveling2 Start 5.444 Gate Leveling Start 5.445 Gate leveling for rank[0] begin! 5.446 Gate leveling for rank[0] done! 5.447 Gate leveling for rank[1] begin! 5.448 Gate leveling for rank[1] done! 5.449 Gate Leveling Adjust 5.450 Gate Adjust Training Start 5.451 Read_dataeye_training Start 5.452 addlatency 0xBD 5.453 SetPhyIeTiming 0x80800000 5.454 byteIndex: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 5.455 Read dataeye training for rank[0] Done 5.456 addlatency 0xBD 5.457 SetPhyIeTiming 0x80800100 5.458 byteIndex: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 5.459 Read dataeye training for rank[1] Done 5.460 Write_dataeye_training Start 5.461 SetPhyIeTiming 0x80800000 5.462 Write dataeye training for rank[0] Done 5.463 SetPhyIeTiming 0x80800100 5.464 Write dataeye training for rank[1] Done 5.465 The smallest RddqsLatencyAdjust = 0x0. 5.466 The smallest RddqsLatencyAdjustX4 = 0x0. 5.467 Before adjust:DmcReg[0x8188]=0x08060304. 5.468 After adjust:DmcReg[0x8188]=0x08060304. 5.469 5.470 PhyClkWrdqsSlaveDelay 5.471 Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3 5.472 Byte0 0x01AE0277 0x01AE0277 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.473 Byte1 0x01780271 0x0190026F 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.474 Byte2 0x013A0276 0x01340274 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.475 Byte3 0x00D80272 0x00F20272 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.476 Byte4 0x006C0271 0x00720273 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.477 Byte5 0x00BA0270 0x00BA0272 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.478 Byte6 0x00E40275 0x00F20273 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.479 Byte7 0x0122026B 0x0134026F 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.480 Byte8 0x00A20278 0x00BA0275 0x00000280 0x00000280 5.481 5.482 PhyWritePathLatAdd 5.483 Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3 5.484 Byte0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.485 Byte1 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.486 Byte2 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.487 Byte3 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.488 Byte4 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.489 Byte5 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.490 Byte6 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.491 Byte7 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.492 Byte8 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 5.493 5.494 RddqsGate 5.495 Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3 5.496 Byte0 0x0700025E 0x07000268 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.497 Byte1 0x0700020E 0x07000218 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.498 Byte2 0x070001C0 0x070001CE 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.499 Byte3 0x07000168 0x07000170 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.500 Byte4 0x0700017E 0x07000176 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.501 Byte5 0x070001AE 0x070001B6 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.502 Byte6 0x07000208 0x07000216 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.503 Byte7 0x0700026E 0x0700027E 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.504 Byte8 0x0700015E 0x07000158 0x07000080 0x07000080 5.505 5.506 RddqsDqnFallRiseSlaveDelay 5.507 Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3 5.508 Byte0 0x00C100C0 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.509 0x00C200C1 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.510 0x00C200C2 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.511 0x00C200C2 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.512 0x00C100C1 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.513 0x00C200C2 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.514 0x00C100C2 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.515 0x00C200C2 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.516 Byte1 0x00C100C1 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.517 0x00C000C0 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.518 0x00C100C2 0x00C300C3 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.519 0x00C100C0 0x00C500C3 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.520 0x00C100C1 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.521 0x00C200C1 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.522 0x00C100C1 0x00C500C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.523 0x00C200C1 0x00C400C3 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.524 Byte2 0x00C000C0 0x00C100C1 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.525 0x00C000C0 0x00C100C1 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.526 0x00C000C0 0x00C100C1 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.527 0x00C100C0 0x00C000C1 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.528 0x00C000C0 0x00C200C1 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.529 0x00C000C0 0x00C100C2 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.530 0x00C000C0 0x00C200C1 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.531 0x00C000C0 0x00C200C1 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.532 Byte3 0x00C700C7 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.533 0x00C800C7 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.534 0x00C800C7 0x00C400C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.535 0x00C800C7 0x00C400C3 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.536 0x00C600C8 0x00C300C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.537 0x00C800C8 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.538 0x00C800C8 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.539 0x00C600C8 0x00C400C3 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.540 Byte4 0x00C000C1 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.541 0x00C100C1 0x00C600C6 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.542 0x00C100C1 0x00C600C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.543 0x00C100C1 0x00C600C6 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.544 0x00C000C0 0x00C600C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.545 0x00C200C1 0x00C500C6 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.546 0x00C100C1 0x00C600C6 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.547 0x00C100C1 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.548 Byte5 0x00C700C7 0x00C500C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.549 0x00C600C7 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.550 0x00C700C6 0x00C400C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.551 0x00C700C8 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.552 0x00C700C9 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.553 0x00C600C8 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.554 0x00C600C8 0x00C400C4 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.555 0x00C700C8 0x00C500C5 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.556 Byte6 0x00C800C7 0x00D000D0 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.557 0x00C800C7 0x00D000D0 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.558 0x00C800C8 0x00D000D0 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.559 0x00C700C7 0x00D000D0 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.560 0x00C800C8 0x00D000CF 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.561 0x00C800C6 0x00D000D0 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.562 0x00C600C8 0x00D000D0 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.563 0x00C600C8 0x00D000D0 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.564 Byte7 0x00CD00CD 0x00CC00CD 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.565 0x00CD00CD 0x00CD00CC 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.566 0x00CD00CD 0x00CD00CC 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.567 0x00CD00CD 0x00CE00CE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.568 0x00CD00CD 0x00CD00CC 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.569 0x00CC00CC 0x00CD00CD 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.570 0x00CD00CC 0x00CE00CC 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.571 0x00CD00CD 0x00CD00CD 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.572 Byte8 0x00BA00BA 0x00BE00BE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.573 0x00BA00BA 0x00BE00BE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.574 0x00BA00BA 0x00BE00BE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.575 0x00BA00BA 0x00BD00BD 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.576 0x00BB00BA 0x00BD00BE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.577 0x00BA00B9 0x00BD00BE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.578 0x00BB00BB 0x00BF00BE 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.579 0x00BA00BA 0x00BE00BD 0x00C000C0 0x00C000C0 5.580 5.581 PhyClkWrdqnSlaveDelay 5.582 Rank0 Rank1 Rank2 Rank3 5.583 Byte0 0x02770278 0x02770276 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.584 0x02770278 0x02770278 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.585 0x02770276 0x02790277 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.586 0x02770277 0x02770277 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.587 Byte1 0x02720271 0x026F0270 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.588 0x02720270 0x026F0270 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.589 0x02700271 0x026F026F 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.590 0x02710271 0x026F0270 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.591 Byte2 0x02750276 0x02730274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.592 0x02760275 0x02730271 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.593 0x02760276 0x02720273 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.594 0x02760276 0x02740274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.595 Byte3 0x02730272 0x02720272 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.596 0x02730273 0x02730272 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.597 0x02730272 0x02720272 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.598 0x02720273 0x02720272 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.599 Byte4 0x02700270 0x02730274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.600 0x02700271 0x02740274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.601 0x02700270 0x02730274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.602 0x02710270 0x02730274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.603 Byte5 0x02710270 0x02720274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.604 0x02710271 0x02720273 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.605 0x02700271 0x02720272 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.606 0x02700272 0x02720271 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.607 Byte6 0x02760275 0x02750275 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.608 0x02750276 0x02760274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.609 0x02760276 0x02720274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.610 0x02750277 0x02730274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.611 Byte7 0x026B026C 0x0270026F 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.612 0x026A026C 0x0270026E 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.613 0x026A026A 0x02700270 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.614 0x026B026C 0x026F0270 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.615 Byte8 0x02790278 0x02750275 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.616 0x02790278 0x02740274 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.617 0x02780278 0x02740275 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.618 0x02780278 0x02750276 0x02800280 0x02800280 5.619 0x803584A8 = 0x12345678 5.620 0x803584AC = 0x5A5A5A5A 5.621 0x803584B0 = 0x87654321 5.622 0x803584B4 = 0xA5A5A5A5 5.623 0x803584B8 = 0x0 5.624 0x803584BC = 0x0 5.625 0x803584C0 = 0xFFFFFFFF 5.626 0x803584C4 = 0xFFFFFFFF 5.627 0x803584C8 = 0xFF00FF00 5.628 Socket[0] Channel[1] DDR Init Finished! 5.629 ======================================================================================== 5.630 | socekt 0 | 5.631 ======================================================================================== 5.632 | Slot | Channel 0 | Channel 1 | Channel 2 | Channel 3 | 5.633 ======================================================================================== 5.634 | 0 | Ramaxel | Ramaxel | NO DIMM | NO DIMM | 5.635 | | Montage | Montage | | | 5.636 | | 8GB(2RX8) | 8GB(2RX8) | | | 5.637 | | 1600 11-11-11 | 1600 11-11-11 | | | 5.638 | | ww132015 | ww132015 | | | 5.639 | | RMS6101ME68FAF1600| RMS6101ME68FAF1600| | | 5.640 | | | | | | 5.641 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.642 | 1 | NO DIMM | NO DIMM | NO DIMM | NO DIMM | 5.643 | | | | | | 5.644 | | | | | | 5.645 | | | | | | 5.646 | | | | | | 5.647 | | | | | | 5.648 | | | | | | 5.649 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.650 | 2 | NO DIMM | NO DIMM | NO DIMM | NO DIMM | 5.651 | | | | | | 5.652 | | | | | | 5.653 | | | | | | 5.654 | | | | | | 5.655 | | | | | | 5.656 | | | | | | 5.657 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.658 System ECC Enabled! 5.659 $$$Skt[0] Ch[0] Dimm[0] Rank[0]. 5.660 $$$Skt[0] Ch[1] Dimm[0] Rank[0]. 5.661 $$$Skt[0] Ch[0] Dimm[0] Rank[1]. 5.662 $$$Skt[0] Ch[1] Dimm[0] Rank[1]. 5.663 $$$Memory Clean Finish! 5.664 $$$ Config DAW 5.665 Enable Channel Interleave 5.666 ColBits = 0xA 5.667 RowBits = 0x10 5.668 Banknum = 0x8 5.669 RankSize = 0x100000000 5.670 Ranknum = 0x2 5.671 DramWidth = 0x8 5.672 Size = 0x400000000 5.673 HHA Diretory Bypass 5.674 LowMemory(<4G):Base=0x0, Size=0x80000000 5.675 HighMemory(>4G):Base=0x1080000000, Size=0x180000000 5.676 HighMemory(>4G):Base=0x1080000000, Size=0x180000000 5.677 HighMemory(>4G):Base=0x1200000000, Size=0x200000000 5.678 MemTest Start 5.679 MemTest Finish 5.680 1RRR 5.681 NOTICE: PL011_UART_BASE: 0x80300000 5.682 NOTICE: BL1: 0x7fc3a000 - 0x7fc3b000 [size = 4096] 5.683 NOTICE: Booting Trusted Firmware 5.684 NOTICE: BL1: v1.1(release):6bfe7cd 5.685 NOTICE: BL1: Built : 19:58:44, Feb 25 2016 5.686 NOl1RRR 5.687 NOTICE: BL2: v1.1(release):6bfe7cd 5.688 NOTICE: BL2: Built : 19:58:46, Feb 25 2016 5.689 NOTICE: BL1: Booting BL3-1 5.690 1RRR 5.691 NOTICE: Before BL31 EL3 MMU 5.692 NOTICE: After BL31 EL3 MMU 5.693 NOTICE: BL3-1: v1.1(release):6bfe7cd 5.694 NOTICE: BL3-1: Built : 19:58:50, Feb 25 2016 5.695 NOTICE: [runtime_svc_init]:[94L] rt_svc_descs_num=0x1 5.696 NOTICE: [runtime_svc_init]:[109L] start_oen=4 end_oen=4 call_type=1 std_svc 5.697 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20000 5.698 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 1 5.699 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 0 5.700 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20100 5.701 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 1 5.702 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 1 5.703 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20200 5.704 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 1 5.705 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 2 5.706 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20300 5.707 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 1 5.708 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 3 5.709 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20000 5.710 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.711 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 4 5.712 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20001 5.713 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.714 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 5 5.715 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20002 5.716 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.717 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 6 5.718 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20003 5.719 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.720 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 7 5.721 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20100 5.722 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.723 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 8 5.724 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20101 5.725 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.726 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 9 5.727 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20102 5.728 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.729 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 10 5.730 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20103 5.731 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.732 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 11 5.733 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20200 5.734 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.735 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 12 5.736 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20201 5.737 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.738 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 13 5.739 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20202 5.740 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.741 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 14 5.742 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20203 5.743 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.744 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 15 5.745 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20300 5.746 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.747 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 16 5.748 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20301 5.749 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.750 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 17 5.751 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20302 5.752 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.753 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 18 5.754 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[296L] mpidr = 20303 5.755 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[297L] cur_afflvl = 0 5.756 NOTICE: [psci_init_aff_map]:[298L] affmap_idx = 19 5.757 NOTICE: [cm_prepare_el3_exit]:[262L] read_tpidr_el3 = 7fc3c000 5.758 NOTICE: [cm_prepare_el3_exit]:[319L] ctx add = 7fc3cf80 5.759 5.760 :48820;0 5.761 [ArmPlatformGetVirtualMemoryMap]:[118L] discriptor count=18 5.762 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei/PeiMain/DEBUG/PeiCore.dll 0x3FBE7240 5.763 Loading PEIM at 0x0003FBE7160 EntryPoint=0x0003FBE7240 PeiCore.efi 5.764 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/ArmPkg/Drivers/CpuPei/CpuPei/DEBUG/CpuPei.dll 0x3FBE3240 5.765 Loading PEIM at 0x0003FBE3160 EntryPoint=0x0003FBE3240 CpuPei.efi 5.766 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Universal/StatusCode/Pei/StatusCodePei/DEBUG/StatusCodePei.dll 0x3FBDE240 5.767 Loading PEIM at 0x0003FBDE160 EntryPoint=0x0003FBDE240 StatusCodePei.efi 5.768 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/Hisilicon/D02/EarlyConfigPeim/EarlyConfigPeim/DEBUG/EarlyConfigPeim.dll 0x3FBD8240 5.769 Loading PEIM at 0x0003FBD8160 EntryPoint=0x0003FBD8240 EarlyConfigPeim.efi 5.770 lSMMU CONFIG.........Done 5.771 ITS CONFIG.........Done 5.772 AP CONFIG.........Done 5.773 MN CONFIG.........Done 5.774 RTC CONFIG.........Done 5.775 Tsensor CONFIG.........Done 5.776 Timer CONFIG.........Done 5.777 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Core/DxeIplPeim/DxeIpl/DEBUG/DxeIpl.dll 0x3FBCE240 5.778 Loading PEIM at 0x0003FBCE160 EntryPoint=0x0003FBCE240 DxeIpl.efi 5.779 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain/DEBUG/DxeCore.dll 0x3F005240 5.780 Loading PEIM at 0x0003F005000 EntryPoint=0x0003F005240 DxeCore.efi 5.781 Loading DXE CORE at 0x0003F005000 EntryPoint=0x0003F005240 5.782 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain/DEBUG/DxeCore.dll 0x3F005000 5.783 HOBLIST address in DXE = 0x7F9F7018 5.784 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBFF000 - 0x3FBFFFFF 5.785 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBFE000 - 0x3FBFEFFF 5.786 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBFD000 - 0x3FBFDFFF 5.787 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBFC000 - 0x3FBFCFFF 5.788 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBFB000 - 0x3FBFBFFF 5.789 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBFA000 - 0x3FBFAFFF 5.790 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBF9000 - 0x3FBF9FFF 5.791 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBF8000 - 0x3FBF8FFF 5.792 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3EFE5000 - 0x3F004FFF 5.793 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBE7000 - 0x3FBF7FFF 5.794 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBE3000 - 0x3FBE6FFF 5.795 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBDE000 - 0x3FBE2FFF 5.796 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBD8000 - 0x3FBDDFFF 5.797 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBCE000 - 0x3FBD7FFF 5.798 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3FBBE000 - 0x3FBCDFFF 5.799 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3F5F3000 - 0x3FBBDFFF 5.800 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3F029000 - 0x3F5F2FFF 5.801 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3F005000 - 0x3F028FFF 5.802 Memory Allocation 0x00000003 0x3F005000 - 0x3F028FFF 5.803 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x3EFE5000 - 0x3F004FFF 5.804 Memory Allocation 0x00000004 0x2FC00000 - 0x2FC1FFFF 5.805 FV Hob 0xA4840000 - 0xA49CFFFF 5.806 FV Hob 0x3F029000 - 0x3F5F2FBF 5.807 FV2 Hob 0x3F029000 - 0x3F5F2FBF 5.808 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Dxe/Pcd/DEBUG/PcdDxe.dll 0x7FB88240 5.809 Loading driver at 0x0007FB88000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB88278 PcdDxe.efi 5.810 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Pv660/Drivers/IoInitDxe/IoInitDxe/DEBUG/IoInitDxe.dll 0x7FB73240 5.811 Loading driver at 0x0007FB73000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB73278 IoInitDxe.efi 5.812 l[serdes_init]:hilink0---pcie1 8 lane 5.813 [serdes_init]:hilink1---pcie0 8 lane 5.814 [SRE_SerdesInit]:hilink2---pcie2 8 lane 5.815 [serdes_init]:hilink3---ge 4 lane 5.816 [serdes_init]:hilink4---xge 4 lane 5.817 [serdes_init]:hilink5---sas1 4 lane 5.818 [serdes_init]:hilink6---sata 4 lane 5.819 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro0 CS0 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.820 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro0 CS0 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.821 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro0 CS1 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.822 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro0 CS1 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.823 Halt Macro 0 MCU!! 5.824 Macro 0 Download Firmware Success!! 5.825 Release Macro 0 MCU!! 5.826 [serdes_init]:SerDes0 init success! 5.827 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro1 CS0 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.828 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro1 CS0 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.829 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro1 CS1 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.830 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro1 CS1 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.831 Halt Macro 1 MCU!! 5.832 Macro 1 Download Firmware Success!! 5.833 Release Macro 1 MCU!! 5.834 [serdes_init]:SerDes1 init success! 5.835 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro2 CS0 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.836 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro2 CS0 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.837 Halt Macro 2 MCU!! 5.838 Macro 2 Download Firmware Success!! 5.839 Release Macro 2 MCU!! 5.840 [serdes_init]:SerDes2 init success! 5.841 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro3 CS0 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.842 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro3 CS0 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.843 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro3 CS1 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.844 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro3 CS1 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.845 [serdes_init]:SerDes3 init success! 5.846 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro4 CS0 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.847 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro4 CS0 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.848 Halt Macro 4 MCU!! 5.849 Macro 4 Download Firmware Success!! 5.850 Release Macro 4 MCU!! 5.851 [serdes_init]:SerDes4 init success! 5.852 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro5 CS0 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.853 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro5 CS0 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.854 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro5 CS1 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.855 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro5 CS1 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.856 Halt Macro 5 MCU!! 5.857 Macro 5 Download Firmware Success!! 5.858 Release Macro 5 MCU!! 5.859 [serdes_init]:SerDes5 init success! 5.860 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro6 CS0 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.861 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro6 CS0 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.862 [SRE_CsHwCalibrationOptionV2Exec]:Macro6 CS1 LC Vco Cal done!(LCVCOCALDONE) in 0ms 5.863 [SRE_SerdesCsCalib]:Macro6 CS1 PLL lock success!(0 ms) 5.864 Halt Macro 6 MCU!! 5.865 Macro 6 Download Firmware Success!! 5.866 Release Macro 6 MCU!! 5.867 [serdes_init]:SerDes6 init success! 5.868 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/ArmPkg/Drivers/CpuDxe/CpuDxe/DEBUG/ArmCpuDxe.dll 0x7FB68800 5.869 Loading driver at 0x0007FB68000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB68838 ArmCpuDxe.efi 5.870 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Core/RuntimeDxe/RuntimeDxe/DEBUG/RuntimeDxe.dll 0x7AB50000 5.871 Loading driver at 0x0007AB40000 EntryPoint=0x0007AB50038 RuntimeDxe.efi 5.872 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SecurityStubDxe/SecurityStubDxe/DEBUG/SecurityStubDxe.dll 0x7FB63240 5.873 Loading driver at 0x0007FB63000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB63278 SecurityStubDxe.efi 5.874 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/NorFlashDxe/NorFlashDxe/DEBUG/NorFlashDxe.dll 0x7FB5C240 5.875 Loading driver at 0x0007FB5C000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB5C278 NorFlashDxe.efi 5.876 l[cdtest]manufactor ID 0x1! 5.877 [cdtest]Device ID 1 0x227E! 5.878 [cdtest]Device ID 2 0x2228! 5.879 [cdtest]Device ID 3 0x2201! 5.880 [cdtest]manufactor ID 0x1! 5.881 [cdtest]Device ID 1 0x227E! 5.882 [cdtest]Device ID 2 0x2228! 5.883 [cdtest]Device ID 3 0x2201! 5.884 Init Flash OK! 5.885 add-symbol-file /home/g00179230/edk2/Build/Pv660D02Source/RELEASE_GCC48/AARCH64/HwPkg/Drivers/SFC/SfcDxeDriver/DEBUG/SFCDriver.dll 0x7AAB0000 5.886 Loading driver at 0x0007AAA0000 EntryPoint=0x0007AAB0048 SFCDriver.efi 5.887 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Platforms/Hisilicon/D02/OemNicConfigD02/OemNicConfigD02/DEBUG/OemNicConfig.dll 0x7FB57240 5.888 Loading driver at 0x0007FB57000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB57278 OemNicConfig.efi 5.889 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/CpuIo2Dxe/CpuIo2Dxe/DEBUG/CpuIo2Dxe.dll 0x7FB53240 5.890 Loading driver at 0x0007FB53000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB53278 CpuIo2Dxe.efi 5.891 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Pv660/Drivers/PcieInitDxe/PcieInitDxe/DEBUG/PcieInitDxe.dll 0x7FB4C240 5.892 Loading driver at 0x0007FB4C000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB4C278 PcieInitDxe.efi 5.893 lcurrent_speed GEN1 5.894 HostBridge 0, Port 1 link up failed 5.895 HostBridge 0, Pcie Port 1 Init Failed! 5.896 current_speed GEN1 5.897 HostBridge 0, Port 2 link up failed 5.898 HostBridge 0, Pcie Port 2 Init Failed! 5.899 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/RuntimeDxe/VariableRuntimeDxe/DEBUG/VariableRuntimeDxe.dll 0x7AA10000 5.900 Loading driver at 0x0007AA00000 EntryPoint=0x0007AA10038 VariableRuntimeDxe.efi 5.901 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/EmbeddedPkg/EmbeddedMonotonicCounter/EmbeddedMonotonicCounter/DEBUG/EmbeddedMonotonicCounter.dll 0x7A950000 5.902 Loading driver at 0x0007A940000 EntryPoint=0x0007A950038 EmbeddedMonotonicCounter.efi 5.903 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/EmbeddedPkg/ResetRuntimeDxe/ResetRuntimeDxe/DEBUG/Reset.dll 0x7A8B0000 5.904 Loading driver at 0x0007A8A0000 EntryPoint=0x0007A8B0038 Reset.efi 5.905 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/EmbeddedPkg/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe/DEBUG/RealTimeClock.dll 0x7A810000 5.906 Loading driver at 0x0007A800000 EntryPoint=0x0007A810038 RealTimeClock.efi 5.907 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/EmbeddedPkg/MetronomeDxe/MetronomeDxe/DEBUG/MetronomeDxe.dll 0x7FB48240 5.908 Loading driver at 0x0007FB48000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB48278 MetronomeDxe.efi 5.909 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/HiiDatabaseDxe/HiiDatabaseDxe/DEBUG/HiiDatabase.dll 0x7FB2D240 5.910 Loading driver at 0x0007FB2D000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB2D278 HiiDatabase.efi 5.911 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SerialDxe/SerialDxe/DEBUG/SerialDxe.dll 0x7FB29240 5.912 Loading driver at 0x0007FB29000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB29278 SerialDxe.efi 5.913 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/ArmPlatformPkg/Drivers/SP805WatchdogDxe/SP805WatchdogDxe/DEBUG/SP805WatchdogDxe.dll 0x7FB25240 5.914 Loading driver at 0x0007FB25000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB25278 SP805WatchdogDxe.efi 5.915 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Universal/StatusCode/RuntimeDxe/StatusCodeRuntimeDxe/DEBUG/StatusCodeRuntimeDxe.dll 0x7A770000 5.916 Loading driver at 0x0007A760000 EntryPoint=0x0007A770038 StatusCodeRuntimeDxe.efi 5.917 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SmbiosDxe/SmbiosDxe/DEBUG/SmbiosDxe.dll 0x7FB1E240 5.918 Loading driver at 0x0007FB1E000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB1E278 SmbiosDxe.efi 5.919 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Acpi/AcpiTableDxe/AcpiTableDxe/DEBUG/AcpiTableDxe.dll 0x7FB14240 5.920 Loading driver at 0x0007FB14000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB14278 AcpiTableDxe.efi 5.921 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network/DpcDxe/DpcDxe/DEBUG/DpcDxe.dll 0x7FB10240 5.922 Loading driver at 0x0007FB10000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB10278 DpcDxe.efi 5.923 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/UpdateFdtDxe/UpdateFdtDxe/DEBUG/UpdateFdtDxe.dll 0x7FB09240 5.924 Loading driver at 0x0007FB09000 EntryPoint=0x0007FB09278 UpdateFdtDxe.efi 5.925 lfdtfileaddress:--------- 0xA4B00000 5.926 Port0:0x0 0x18 0x82 0x0 0x0 0x55 5.927 Port1:0x0 0x18 0x82 0x1 0x0 0x55 5.928 Port2:0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 5.929 Port3:0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 5.930 Port4:0x0 0x18 0x82 0x4 0x0 0x55 5.931 Port5:0x0 0x18 0x82 0x5 0x0 0x55 5.932 Port6:0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 5.933 Port7:0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 5.934 NewFdtBlobBase: 0x7FBB0000 NewFdtBlobSize:0x419E 5.935 FDTConfigTable Address: 0x7FBB0000 5.936 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/DevicePathDxe/DevicePathDxe/DEBUG/DevicePathDxe.dll 0x7FAFC240 5.937 Loading driver at 0x0007FAFC000 EntryPoint=0x0007FAFC278 DevicePathDxe.efi 5.938 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Pv660/Drivers/PciHostBridgeDxe/PciHostBridgeDxe/DEBUG/PciHostBridge.dll 0x7FAF2240 5.939 Loading driver at 0x0007FAF2000 EntryPoint=0x0007FAF2278 PciHostBridge.efi 5.940 l[SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0080900 value=0 5.941 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0080904 value=0 5.942 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0080908 value=80000000 5.943 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B008090C value=8000000 5.944 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0080910 value=220 5.945 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0080914 value=B7FEFFFF 5.946 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0080918 value=B0000000 5.947 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B008091C value=0 5.948 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0080900 value=1 5.949 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0080904 value=4 5.950 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0080908 value=90000000 5.951 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B008090C value=0 5.952 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0080910 value=220 5.953 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0080914 value=41FFFFF 5.954 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0080918 value=0 5.955 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B008091C value=0 5.956 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0080900 value=2 5.957 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0080904 value=5 5.958 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0080908 value=90000000 5.959 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B008090C value=0 5.960 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0080910 value=220 5.961 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0080914 value=7FFFFFF 5.962 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0080918 value=0 5.963 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B008091C value=0 5.964 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0080900 value=3 5.965 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0080904 value=2 5.966 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0080908 value=80000000 5.967 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B008090C value=0 5.968 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0080910 value=0 5.969 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0080914 value=FFFF 5.970 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0080918 value=0 5.971 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B008091C value=0 5.972 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0090900 value=0 5.973 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0090904 value=0 5.974 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0090908 value=80000000 5.975 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B009090C value=C000000 5.976 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0090910 value=240 5.977 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0090914 value=C3FEFFFF 5.978 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B0090918 value=C0000000 5.979 [SetAtuMemRW:744] - Base=B009091C value=0 5.980 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0090900 value=1 5.981 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0090904 value=4 5.982 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0090908 value=90000000 5.983 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B009090C value=0 5.984 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0090910 value=240 5.985 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0090914 value=81FFFFF 5.986 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B0090918 value=0 5.987 [SetAtuConfig0RW:662] - Base=B009091C value=0 5.988 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0090900 value=2 5.989 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0090904 value=5 5.990 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0090908 value=90000000 5.991 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B009090C value=0 5.992 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0090910 value=240 5.993 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0090914 value=BFFFFFF 5.994 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B0090918 value=0 5.995 [SetAtuConfig1RW:689] - Base=B009091C value=0 5.996 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0090900 value=3 5.997 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0090904 value=2 5.998 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0090908 value=80000000 5.999 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B009090C value=0 5.1000 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0090910 value=0 5.1001 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0090914 value=FFFF 5.1002 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B0090918 value=0 5.1003 [SetAtuIoRW:711] - Base=B009091C value=0 5.1004 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/FlashFvbDxe/FlashFvbDxe/DEBUG/FlashFvbDxe.dll 0x7A6C0000 5.1005 Loading driver at 0x0007A6B0000 EntryPoint=0x0007A6C0038 FlashFvbDxe.efi 5.1006 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/FaultTolerantWriteDxe/FaultTolerantWriteDxe/DEBUG/FaultTolerantWriteDxe.dll 0x7FAEA240 5.1007 Loading driver at 0x0007FAEA000 EntryPoint=0x0007FAEA278 FaultTolerantWriteDxe.efi 5.1008 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/Hic/HicDxe/DEBUG/HicDxe.dll 0x7FAE6240 5.1009 Loading driver at 0x0007FAE6000 EntryPoint=0x0007FAE6278 HicDxe.efi 5.1010 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/Smbios/SmbiosMiscDxe/SmbiosMiscDxe/DEBUG/SmbiosMiscDxe.dll 0x7FADD240 5.1011 Loading driver at 0x0007FADD000 EntryPoint=0x0007FADD278 SmbiosMiscDxe.efi 5.1012 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/Smbios/MemorySubClassDxe/MemorySubClassDxe/DEBUG/MemorySubClass.dll 0x7FAD4240 5.1013 Loading driver at 0x0007FAD4000 EntryPoint=0x0007FAD4278 MemorySubClass.efi 5.1014 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/Smbios/ProcessorSubClassDxe/ProcessorSubClassDxe/DEBUG/ProcessorSubClass.dll 0x7FACC240 5.1015 Loading driver at 0x0007FACC000 EntryPoint=0x0007FACC278 ProcessorSubClass.efi 5.1016 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Acpi/AcpiPlatformDxe/AcpiPlatformDxe/DEBUG/AcpiPlatform.dll 0x7FAC8240 5.1017 Loading driver at 0x0007FAC8000 EntryPoint=0x0007FAC8278 AcpiPlatform.efi 5.1018 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/AcpiPlatformDxe/AcpiPlatformDxe/DEBUG/AcpiPlatform.dll 0x7FAC4240 5.1019 Loading driver at 0x0007FAC4000 EntryPoint=0x0007FAC4278 AcpiPlatform.efi 5.1020 lUpdating Ethernet MAC in ACPI DSDT... 5.1021 Port 5 MAC 00:18:82:05:00:55 5.1022 Port 4 MAC 00:18:82:04:00:55 5.1023 Port 0 MAC 00:18:82:00:00:55 5.1024 Port 1 MAC 00:18:82:01:00:55 5.1025 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/MemoryTest/GenericMemoryTestDxe/GenericMemoryTestDxe/DEBUG/GenericMemoryTestDxe.dll 0x7FABE240 5.1026 Loading driver at 0x0007FABE000 EntryPoint=0x0007FABE278 GenericMemoryTestDxe.efi 5.1027 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/SetupBrowserDxe/SetupBrowserDxe/DEBUG/SetupBrowser.dll 0x7FAA5240 5.1028 Loading driver at 0x0007FAA5000 EntryPoint=0x0007FAA5278 SetupBrowser.efi 5.1029 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Universal/BdsDxe/BdsDxe/DEBUG/BdsDxe.dll 0x7FA76240 5.1030 Loading driver at 0x0007FA76000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA76278 BdsDxe.efi 5.1031 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/CapsuleRuntimeDxe/CapsuleRuntimeDxe/DEBUG/CapsuleRuntimeDxe.dll 0x7A550000 5.1032 Loading driver at 0x0007A540000 EntryPoint=0x0007A550038 CapsuleRuntimeDxe.efi 5.1033 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/ArmPlatformPkg/Drivers/SP804TimerDxe/SP804TimerDxe/DEBUG/ArmVeTimerDxe.dll 0x7FA72240 5.1034 Loading driver at 0x0007FA72000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA72278 ArmVeTimerDxe.efi 5.1035 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/DisplayEngineDxe/DisplayEngineDxe/DEBUG/DisplayEngine.dll 0x7FA5D240 5.1036 Loading driver at 0x0007FA5D000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA5D278 DisplayEngine.efi 5.1037 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Pci/PciBusDxe/PciBusDxe/DEBUG/PciBusDxe.dll 0x7FA46240 5.1038 Loading driver at 0x0007FA46000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA46278 PciBusDxe.efi 5.1039 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConPlatformDxe/ConPlatformDxe/DEBUG/ConPlatformDxe.dll 0x7FA41240 5.1040 Loading driver at 0x0007FA41000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA41278 ConPlatformDxe.efi 5.1041 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/ConSplitterDxe/ConSplitterDxe/DEBUG/ConSplitterDxe.dll 0x7FA37240 5.1042 Loading driver at 0x0007FA37000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA37278 ConSplitterDxe.efi 5.1043 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/GraphicsConsoleDxe/GraphicsConsoleDxe/DEBUG/GraphicsConsoleDxe.dll 0x7FA2E240 5.1044 Loading driver at 0x0007FA2E000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA2E278 GraphicsConsoleDxe.efi 5.1045 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Console/TerminalDxe/TerminalDxe/DEBUG/TerminalDxe.dll 0x7FA24240 5.1046 Loading driver at 0x0007FA24000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA24278 TerminalDxe.efi 5.1047 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/ramdisk/ramdisk/DEBUG/ramdisk.dll 0x7FA1F240 5.1048 Loading driver at 0x0007FA1F000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA1F278 ramdisk.efi 5.1049 lramdisk:blckio install. Status=Success 5.1050 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/DiskIoDxe/DiskIoDxe/DEBUG/DiskIoDxe.dll 0x7FA18240 5.1051 Loading driver at 0x0007FA18000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA18278 DiskIoDxe.efi 5.1052 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/PartitionDxe/PartitionDxe/DEBUG/PartitionDxe.dll 0x7FA10240 5.1053 Loading driver at 0x0007FA10000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA10278 PartitionDxe.efi 5.1054 ladd-symbol-file /work/jenkins/workspace/ap-uefi-bin/EDK2_ARCH/ARM/EDK2_BINARY/FatPkg/label/sas-sw/Build/Fat/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/FatPkg/EnhancedFatDxe/Fat/DEBUG/Fat.dll 0x7FA09260 5.1055 Loading driver at 0x0007FA09000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA092A8 Fat.efi 5.1056 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Disk/UnicodeCollation/EnglishDxe/EnglishDxe/DEBUG/EnglishDxe.dll 0x7FA05240 5.1057 Loading driver at 0x0007FA05000 EntryPoint=0x0007FA05278 EnglishDxe.efi 5.1058 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Pv660/Drivers/SasV1Dxe/SasV1Dxe/DEBUG/SasV1Dxe.dll 0x7ABC0240 5.1059 Loading driver at 0x0007ABC0000 EntryPoint=0x0007ABC0278 SasV1Dxe.efi 5.1060 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/ScsiBusDxe/ScsiBusDxe/DEBUG/ScsiBus.dll 0x70120240 5.1061 Loading driver at 0x00070120000 EntryPoint=0x00070120278 ScsiBus.efi 5.1062 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Scsi/ScsiDiskDxe/ScsiDiskDxe/DEBUG/ScsiDisk.dll 0x70109240 5.1063 Loading driver at 0x00070109000 EntryPoint=0x00070109278 ScsiDisk.efi 5.1064 ladd-symbol-file /home/g00179230/edk2/Build/Pv660D02Source/RELEASE_GCC48/AARCH64/HwPkg/Drivers/Network/SnpPV600Dxe_PLAT/SnpPV600DxeMac4PhyInitOnly/DEBUG/SnpPV600DxeMac4PhyInitOnly.dll 0x700FE240 5.1065 Loading driver at 0x000700FE000 EntryPoint=0x000700FE288 SnpPV600DxeMac4PhyInitOnly.efi 5.1066 l[gmac_initialize]:[3684L] GpriData=0x70128018 5.1067 pPriv->ulMacSpeed:8 5.1068 pPriv->ulMacDuplex:1 5.1069 pPriv->ulPort:4 5.1070 pPriv->ulGEBase:0xC7050000 5.1071 pPriv->ulPpeCommonBase:0xC5070000 5.1072 pPriv->ulPpeTNLBase:0xC5040000 5.1073 pPriv->ulRCBCommonBase:0xC5080000 5.1074 pPriv->ulRCBCommonEntryBase:0xC5080000 5.1075 pPriv->ulRCBSramEntryBase:0xC5090000 5.1076 pPriv->ulRingNum:64 5.1077 pPriv->ulRingAddr:4194304 5.1078 pPriv->ulMacAddr:0x0 0x18 0x82 0x4 0x0 0x55 5.1079 PhyID : 0x1410DD0 5.1080 PhyAddr: 0x0 5.1081 ETH_PhyInit 1922; Marvell 88E1512 detect! 5.1082 MII_CTRL_REG = 0x3100 5.1083 MII_STAT_REG = 0x7949 5.1084 page 18, reg20:0x1 5.1085 page 0, reg17:0x4000 5.1086 Phy Init OK 5.1087 add-symbol-file /home/g00179230/edk2/Build/Pv660D02Source/RELEASE_GCC48/AARCH64/HwPkg/Drivers/Network/SnpPV600Dxe_PLAT/SnpPV600DxeMac5/DEBUG/SnpPV600Dxe.dll 0x700DE240 5.1088 Loading driver at 0x000700DE000 EntryPoint=0x000700DE288 SnpPV600Dxe.efi 5.1089 l[gmac_initialize]:[3684L] GpriData=0x7011A018 5.1090 pPriv->ulMacSpeed:8 5.1091 pPriv->ulMacDuplex:1 5.1092 pPriv->ulPort:5 5.1093 pPriv->ulGEBase:0xC7054000 5.1094 pPriv->ulPpeCommonBase:0xC5070000 5.1095 pPriv->ulPpeTNLBase:0xC5050000 5.1096 pPriv->ulRCBCommonBase:0xC5080000 5.1097 pPriv->ulRCBCommonEntryBase:0xC5080000 5.1098 pPriv->ulRCBSramEntryBase:0xC5090000 5.1099 pPriv->ulRingNum:80 5.1100 pPriv->ulRingAddr:5242880 5.1101 pPriv->ulMacAddr:0x0 0x18 0x82 0x5 0x0 0x55 5.1102 PhyID : 0x1410DD0 5.1103 PhyAddr: 0x1 5.1104 ETH_PhyInit 1922; Marvell 88E1512 detect! 5.1105 MII_CTRL_REG = 0x3100 5.1106 MII_STAT_REG = 0x7949 5.1107 page 18, reg20:0x1 5.1108 page 0, reg17:0x4040 5.1109 Phy Init OK 5.1110 DSAF_init 5.1111 tbl_tcam_data 5.1112 0x3F004C90:0x00188205 0x00550005 0x00000000 0x00000001 5.1113 0x3F004CA0:0x00000000 5.1114 tbl_tcam_ucast 5.1115 0x3F004C98:0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x00000001 5.1116 0x3F004CA8:0x000000CF 0x00000000 0x000000CF 0x00000000 5.1117 0x3F004CB8:0x00000000 5.1118 ----ok 5.1119 RXRING = 0x70115000 5.1120 TXRING = 0x700F9000 5.1121 pPriv->ulTxMask = 512 5.1122 RXBUFF = 0x6FE5C000 5.1123 TXBUFF = 0x6FC5B000 5.1124 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network/ArpDxe/ArpDxe/DEBUG/ArpDxe.dll 0x6FC52240 5.1125 Loading driver at 0x0006FC52000 EntryPoint=0x0006FC52278 ArpDxe.efi 5.1126 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network/Dhcp4Dxe/Dhcp4Dxe/DEBUG/Dhcp4Dxe.dll 0x6FC38240 5.1127 Loading driver at 0x0006FC38000 EntryPoint=0x0006FC38278 Dhcp4Dxe.efi 5.1128 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network/Ip4Dxe/Ip4Dxe/DEBUG/Ip4Dxe.dll 0x6FC0A240 5.1129 Loading driver at 0x0006FC0A000 EntryPoint=0x0006FC0A278 Ip4Dxe.efi 5.1130 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network/MnpDxe/MnpDxe/DEBUG/MnpDxe.dll 0x6FBFC240 5.1131 Loading driver at 0x0006FBFC000 EntryPoint=0x0006FBFC278 MnpDxe.efi 5.1132 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network/Mtftp4Dxe/Mtftp4Dxe/DEBUG/Mtftp4Dxe.dll 0x6FC2C240 5.1133 Loading driver at 0x0006FC2C000 EntryPoint=0x0006FC2C278 Mtftp4Dxe.efi 5.1134 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network/Tcp4Dxe/Tcp4Dxe/DEBUG/Tcp4Dxe.dll 0x6FBD4240 5.1135 Loading driver at 0x0006FBD4000 EntryPoint=0x0006FBD4278 Tcp4Dxe.efi 5.1136 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network/Udp4Dxe/Udp4Dxe/DEBUG/Udp4Dxe.dll 0x6FBF0240 5.1137 Loading driver at 0x0006FBF0000 EntryPoint=0x0006FBF0278 Udp4Dxe.efi 5.1138 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Network/UefiPxeBcDxe/UefiPxeBcDxe/DEBUG/UefiPxe4BcDxe.dll 0x6FBC7240 5.1139 Loading driver at 0x0006FBC7000 EntryPoint=0x0006FBC7278 UefiPxe4BcDxe.efi 5.1140 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/OpenPlatformPkg/Chips/Hisilicon/Drivers/EhciDxe/EhciDxe/DEBUG/EhciDxe.dll 0x6FBAB240 5.1141 Loading driver at 0x0006FBAB000 EntryPoint=0x0006FBAB278 EhciDxe.efi 5.1142 lEhcCreateUsb2Hc: capability length 16 5.1143 EhcDriverBindingStart: EHCI started for controller @ 700F4658 5.1144 add-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbBusDxe/UsbBusDxe/DEBUG/UsbBusDxe.dll 0x6FBBA240 5.1145 Loading driver at 0x0006FBBA000 EntryPoint=0x0006FBBA278 UsbBusDxe.efi 5.1146 ladd-symbol-file /home/chenzhihui/open-estuary/D02/uefi/Build/Pv660D02/RELEASE_GCC49/AARCH64/MdeModulePkg/Bus/Usb/UsbMassStorageDxe/UsbMassStorageDxe/DEBUG/UsbMassStorageDxe.dll 0x6FC23240 5.1147 Loading driver at 0x0006FC23000 EntryPoint=0x0006FC23278 UsbMassStorageDxe.efi 5.1148 l[=3h[=3hl[=3h[=3h[=3h[=3hEhcGetState: current state 1 5.1149 EhcGetCapability: 1 ports, 64 bit 0 5.1150 Press Enter to boot OS immediately. Section 6 6.0 Press any other key in 10 seconds to stop automatical booting..2016-03-26 08:32:19 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): b 6.1 2016-03-26 08:32:19 AM INFO: [u'boot_cmds'] 6.2 2016-03-26 08:32:19 AM INFO: > 6.3 2016-03-26 08:32:19 AM INFO: Loading boot_cmds from device configuration 6.4 2016-03-26 08:32:19 AM DEBUG: boot_cmds(after preprocessing): ['expect Select Language', 'sendcontrol M', 'expect GNU GRUB', 'sendline c', 'expect grub>', u'sendline set root=(tftp,', 'expect grub>', u'sendline linux /Image_D02 rdinit=/init console=ttyS0,115200 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x80300000 root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot= ip=::::::dhcp', 'expect grub>', 'sendline devicetree /hip05-d02.dtb', 'expect grub>', 'sendline boot', 'expect Loading driver', 'sendcontrol ['] 6.5 2016-03-26 08:32:19 AM DEBUG: expect (1200): 'Select\ Language' Section 7 7.0 . Section 8 8.0                                D02Hi1610ES2.10 GHzBios Version16384 MB RAM                                         Continue   Select Language 2016-03-26 08:32:19 AM DEBUG: sending control character: M 8.1 2016-03-26 08:32:19 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): Section 9 9.0 Section 10 10.0 2016-03-26 08:32:19 AM DEBUG: expect (1200): 'GNU\ GRUB' Section 11 11.0  >Boot Manager  >Device Manager  >Boot Maintenance Manager              ^v=Move Highlight =Select Entry  This selection will direct the system to continue to booting process         Booting EFI Misc Device 11.1 ERROR: C40000002:V03051002 I0 FC5C7020-1A48-4198-9BE2-EAD5ABC8CF2F 11.2 Booting EFI Misc Device 1 11.3 ERROR: C40000002:V03051002 I0 FC5C7020-1A48-4198-9BE2-EAD5ABC8CF2F 11.4 Booting EFI Network 11.5 ..Loading driver at 0x0006EDF9000 EntryPoint=0x0006EDF9400 11.6 Loading driver at 0x0006EDF9000 EntryPoint=0x0006EDF9400 11.7 Welcome to GRUB! 11.8 11.9 GNU GRUB version 2.02~beta2 11.10 Section 12 12.0 /--------2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): c 12.1 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): 12.2 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): Section 13 13.0 Section 14 14.0 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: expect (1200): 'grub\>' Section 15 15.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------\||||||||||||||||||||||||||\----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted. 15.1 Press enter to boot the selected OS, `e' to edit the commands 15.2 before booting or `c' for a command-line.  *ubuntu               The highlighted entry will be executed automatically in 5s.   GNU GRUB version 2.02~beta2 15.3 15.4 Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB 15.5 lists possible command completions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible 15.6 device or file completions. ESC at any time exits. 15.7 15.8 15.9 grub> Section 16 16.0 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): set root=(tftp, 16.1 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): 16.2 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): Section 17 17.0 Section 18 18.0 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: expect (1200): 'grub\>' 18.1 grub> set root=(tftp, 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): linux /Image_D02 rdinit=/init console=ttyS0,115200 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x80300000 root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot= ip=::::::dhcp 18.2 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): 18.3 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): Section 19 19.0 Section 20 20.0 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: expect (1200): 'grub\>' Section 21 21.0 Section 22 22.0 grub> linux /Image_D02 rdinit=/init coon=uart8250,mmio32,0x80300000 roo2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): devicetree /hip05-d02.dtb 22.1 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): 22.2 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): Section 23 23.0 Section 24 24.0 2016-03-26 08:32:25 AM DEBUG: expect (1200): 'grub\>' Section 25 25.0 Section 26 26.0 grub>2016-03-26 08:32:37 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): boot 26.1 2016-03-26 08:32:37 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): 26.2 2016-03-26 08:32:38 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0): Section 27 27.0 Section 28 28.0 2016-03-26 08:32:38 AM DEBUG: expect (1200): 'Loading\ driver' Section 29 29.0 devicetree /hip05-d02.dtb 29.1 grub> boot Section 30 30.0 Loading driver 2016-03-26 08:32:38 AM DEBUG: sending control character: [ 30.1 2016-03-26 08:32:38 AM DEBUG: send (delay_ms=0):  30.2 2016-03-26 08:32:38 AM DEBUG: expect (800): 'Last login' Section 31 skip 191 lines to next log entry → 31.0 at 0x0006C74D000 EntryPoint=0x0006D7BB240 31.1 Loading driver at 0x0006C74D000 EntryPoint=0x0006D7BB240 31.2 EFI stub: Booting Linux Kernel... 31.3 EFI stub: Using DTB from configuration table 31.4 EFI stub: Exiting boot services and installing virtual address map... 31.5 GMAC ExitBootServicesEvent 31.6 SMMU ExitBootServicesEvent 31.7 NOTICE: [psci_smc_handler]:[347L] PSCI_VERSION CALL 31.8 NOTICE: [psci_version]:[99L] PSCI_MAJOR_VER: 10000: PSCI_MINOR_VER: 0 31.9 31.10 00082016-03-26 08:45:58 AM ERROR: Kernel Error: did not start booting. 32.1 2016-03-26 08:45:58 AM INFO: Booting the test image. Attempt: 2 32.2 2016-03-26 08:45:58 AM DEBUG: Finalizing child process group with PID 12831 32.3 2016-03-26 08:45:58 AM INFO: Attempting to connect to device using: telnet localhost 20095