Hi Neil,
Thanks for your reply.
I am trying to compose a test definition to run robot framework test.
The test definition is not yet finished, I'd just want to have a test before I go further.
It's something like Android CTS test, run the test in the host and the host will interact with the target, hikey, through network.
Basically, what I need is 1. the IP address of the client 2. run some program in the client before the host starts the test in order to accept the commands from it.
3. before the host finished the test, the client shouldn't be released by LAVA. Which shouldn't be a problem, I think.
I am not sure if I have to use multi node test to accomplish it.
Chase gave me some CTS examples. However, I haven't had any ideas to get the client IP address with that approach.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot.

2017-06-06 23:59 GMT-07:00 Neil Williams <neil.williams@linaro.org>:
On 7 June 2017 at 06:25, Arthur She <arthur.she@linaro.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to run a multinode test job in LAVA v2.

That doesn't look like a MultiNode test job. What are you trying to achieve?

LXC support does not require MultiNode but LXC can be used in a
MultiNode situation, should you require to have one test job involving
a HiKey and another test job on mustang or panda or something and then
synchronise the two devices.

Neither of those links are MultiNode jobs. Make sure you are not
confusing the LXC protocol with MultiNode.

The MultiNode protocol cannot be used to pass information from the
HiKey to the LXC which is managing the adb/fastboot calls to that same
HiKey. Use adb to pull or push data to the device. (For non-AOSP
boots, use tools available within the LXC.)

> It failed. After a short discussion with Chase, I realized if I want to run
> multinode test job I have to use "lava-multinode" protocol.
> However, I still need "lava-lxc" to deploy the test image for hikey.
> I am wondering if it is possible to use two protocols, lava-lxc for
> deployment test image and lava-multinode to run the test, in the same test
> job?



However, it does not sound like you actually need MultiNode.

What are you trying to do with the HiKey?


Neil Williams