On Mon, 18 May 2020 at 10:28, Peter Lucas <peterlucas073@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I missed title, send again.
> Hello, Milosz,
> Another question:
> I see your documentation suggest to use pdudaemon.
Could you point me to that. In the past we had a lot of issues with
pdudaemon but IIRC these were fixed
> But I had a look for you validation lava lab: https://validation.linaro.org/scheduler/device/hi6220-hikey-r2-02/devicedict, I see you use /usr/local/lab-scripts/snmp_pdu_control
> I want to know why your lab not use the one which you suggest? I had a look for pdudaemon, found it won't wait there until PDU operation finish. Will this have any issue? Will next logic start before the pdu really finish the operation?
I think issues with pdudaemon are now fixed. It's biggest drawback was
that it implemented 'requests queue'. So jobs would often time out if
the PDU operations were delayed by pdudaemon. IIRC pdudaemon implemets
pass-through mode and acts as a library rather than a daemon, so this
issue should be fixed. But you need to double check that. As you
noticed we're not using pdudaemon in our lab. The tool to use strongly
depends on the PDU you're using. The script I shared above works with
APC PDUs that have SNMP enabled.
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