
this issue has been fixed by https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/commit/c715f52526ed7949531b1bb42ae5951b9bcf4a8f
The fix is available in LAVA 2019.01


Le jeu. 21 févr. 2019 à 00:50, Axel Lebourhis <axel.lebourhis@linaro.org> a écrit :
Hi all,

Yesterday, we faced a weird issue with LAVA.

A job was running and returned an error saying "metadata is too long".
Right after that, the worker that was running the job went offline, and the lava-master
raised an "unknown exception", making it crash.

In attachement, you will find the full job error saying metadata is too long,
the full job log, and the lava-master.log when the exception occured.

Hope this helps.

Lava-users mailing list

Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Team, Linaro