

I’m testing some feature about associated log lines in lava, job.yaml is as follows.




- test:

    connection: lxc


    - from: inline

      name: my_suite

      path: me.yml



          format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0

          name: smoke-case-run

          description: Run smoke case



            - lava-test-case "Case001" --shell 'echo wow'

            - lava-test-case "Case002" --shell 'ls'

    namespace: lxcEnv


      minutes: 10


1. Then, let’s see next picture of Case001:

it said startline=153, lastline=154, that’s next:

Line153 is “Received signal: <STARTTC> Case001”, Line 154 is “Received signal: <ENDTC> Case001”.

You could see in fact the log “wow” not in the 2 lines.


2. let’s see next picture of Case002:

It said startline=160, lastline=163, that’s next:

It’s ok, that between Ln160 & Ln163 I got the output of `ls`.


What happened for “Case001”? The startline & endline not correct. It seems if I directly do “echo”, the info is wrong. while “execute command”, the info is correct.

Of course my case will not just do “echo”, just I want to know if any risk for me to fetch the wrong START/LAST lines in other scenario? (I will use script to fetch it with xmlrpc).