On Fri, 6 Jul 2018 at 09:41, Yuan, ZhanghuiX <zhanghuix.yuan@intel.com> wrote:

Hi LAVA mainters,


Nice to meet you.

I want to add my pub key after LAVA installed container.

​Unless you configure LXC to allow this (and that is outside the scope of this list), there is no remote access to the container. Adding the public key will not make it possible to SSH into the container. Hacking sessions are not supported in the LXC.

Think of the LXC as a transparent layer on the worker. It is not a separate virtual machine.

What are you trying to achieve?​

If you want to access the rootfs of an LXC, you can do so by logging in to the worker and using the standard LXC support.

If you want to push files from the LXC to a remote location, you can use the publishing support: 

This is not a LAVA constraint, this is a reality of using LXC.


But I don’t which parameters should I need add in my job xx.yaml file.

Could you give me some help and advice.



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some part information of my xx.yaml file: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



- deploy:


      minutes: 300

    to: lxc

    os: ubuntu

    packages: [python, wget, unzip, python-pexpect, python-serial, openssh-server]


- boot:


    - '[root@(.*) /]#'


      minutes: 300

    method: lxc


- test:


      minutes: 300


    - run:


              lava-test-shell: echo "------------------------------------- debug 1 -----------------------"

              lava-test-shell: wget --no-proxy -q http://otcpkt.bj.intel.com/downloads/pubkey/sys_oak.zip

              lava-test-shell: mkdir -p ~/.ssh

              lava-test-shell: unzip sys_oak.zip -d ~/.ssh


    - repository: ssh://sys_oak@git-amr-4.devtools.intel.com:29418/pk_osi_test-source.git

      from: git

      path: <device>/<test_type>_lxc.yaml

      name: <test_type>-<device>


        BUILD_NUMBER: <build_number>

        IMAGE_URL: <image_url>

        PRODUCT: <build_name>

        IRC_USER: "sys_oak"

        PUB_KEY: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDCDJvT5UPE***************************


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some part information of my xx.yaml file: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<






Best Regards

Zhanghui Yuan

OTC Production Kernel Integration Test

Lava-users mailing list


Neil Williams