
You should be able to set "connection: uart2" in deploy or boot action.

Le jeu. 16 mars 2023 à 12:32, Nagendra Singamsetti <nag.singam91@gmail.com> a écrit :
Hi Everyone,

My board has multiple uarts and they are designed to act as different serial consoles of platform OS. So  I am trying to set the desired connection (serial)  while calling the respective platform boot/flash method from the job description. Means i need to utilise the same board and have to call suitable serial console from connection list to get boot logs.    

{% set UART_PORTS = {"SE-UART": "AB0KOQF7", "UART2": "A10LOBA4", "UART4": "AB0LPSO7"} %}

{% set connection_list = ['uart2', 'uart4'] %}

{% set connection_tags = {'uart2': ['primary','telnet'], 'uart4': ['telnet']} %}

{% set connection_commands = {'uart2': 'telnet 4004', 'uart4': 'telnet 4002'} %}

How to set required serial(uart2 or uart4) from connection list in job description?? 

Nagendra S

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