
please keep the mailing-list in copy when replying.

        thanks for your help . I will discuss two questions (1. Change site issue ; 2 secure boot mode ; ) in this reply.
         1) Change site issue :  We changed both 'display name' and 'display name' (example.com ) to IP address , and now we found that we couldn't login in  , when we pressed login in link on home page , it reported as below:

500 Internal Server ErrorSite matching query does not exist. 

Oops, something has gone wrong! 

That's really strange. Could you update /etc/lava-server/settings.conf to set "DEBUG" to true, restart lava-server-gunicorn, refresh the page and send back the stack trace.
Keep in mind that settings.conf is a json file, so check that the syntax is valid json.
         2) secure boot mode :  at present , we solved it by utilizing  ''ramdisk" key words and forcing it not to decompress utee file , but we don't know if we will utilize this key words in the future ,  so maybe it's not a good solution.  If we find any better solution after we reviews all source codes ,we will submit it !


Rémi Duraffort