Meanwhile, a strange issue in case help:


In the past, when download big logs on the web, if the log too big, it should be timeout, then failed to download.

But, now, we are still timeout in 2020.08, isnt it should be ok with async worker?

Whats your expect with async for this big file download? Possible our local setting issues?


From: Larry Shen
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 10:52 AM
Subject: Issues about XMLRPC & lavacli.


Hi, guys,


We find an issue related to job submit:


1) One team use lavaclito submit request, and sometimes it will report next:


07-Sep-2020 16:37:35        Unable to connect: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Read timed out. (read timeout=20.0)


Looks this error happens at next, what do you think about this issue?



            # Create the Transport object

            parsed_uri = urlparse(uri)

            transport = RequestsTransport(



                config.get("timeout", 20.0),

                config.get("verify_ssl_cert", True),


            # allow_none is True because the server does support it

            proxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(uri, allow_none=True, transport=transport)

            version = proxy.system.version()

        except (OSError, xmlrpc.client.Error) as exc:

            print("Unable to connect: %s" % exc2str(exc))

            return 1


2) Another team write their own python code using XMLRPC to submit job, did something like next, it reports next:


ERROR in msg: Failed to submit job, reason: <ProtocolError for 502 Bad Gateway>!



                job_id = self.connection.scheduler.submit_job(job)

                self.logger.debug("Successed to submit job , job_id: %d, platform; %s!",job_id,platform)

                return job_id

            except Exception as e:

                self.logger.error("Failed to submit job, reason: %s!",str(e))

                return None


We are currently using lava server version 2020.08, guys told me in the past days, we also encountered similar, but with very low probability. But recently it becomes very high probability.

Id like to know if possible this will related to your changes to gunicorn eventlet? Or other possible reasons?


