I think I just create a local user with superuser option, but unable to login from local lava website. Yeah, now the problem fix after do some setting on CSRF in /etc/lava-server/settings.conf.



Alim Hussin


From: Neil Williams [mailto:neil.williams@linaro.org]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2018 4:40 PM
To: Hussin, Mohamad Noor Alim <mohamad.noor.alim.hussin@intel.com>
Cc: Lava Users Mailman list <lava-users@lists.linaro.org>
Subject: Re: [Lava-users] unable to login to local django account from lava webpage


On Thu, 19 Jul 2018 at 09:29, Hussin, Mohamad Noor Alim <mohamad.noor.alim.hussin@intel.com> wrote:



I just install lava-server to latest release, 2018.5-post1 & created a local Django account. I unable to login using lava webpage from my local machine. Lava webpage did not prompt any error message and I have no idea how to debug this problem.

Any idea?


​How did you create the local Django account?


The login page cannot support debugging local authentication because that is how people use brute force attacks against installations.


Use the command line to create a user:


$ sudo lava-server manage users add --help


To access the Administration link for the Django Admin Interface, you will need to use the --superuser option.​



Neil Williams