Hello,the worker will register itself to the master automatically. You don't have to create the worker manually.Just configure the worker to connect to your master.This is done in /etc/lava-dispatcher/lava-slaveAn example configuration file is available at /usr/share/lava-dispatcher/lava-slaveFor a first try, you can start without encryption and only define the following variables in the configuration file:MASTER_URL="tcp://localhost:5556"LOGGER_URL="tcp://localhost:5555"You can also specify the HOSTNAME if you want. By default the slave will use the name of the server it's running on.This will instruct you local lava-slave (this is the name of the service) to connect to the local lava-master.Then restart the lava-slave with "service lava-slave restart"Rgds2018-08-07 12:07 GMT+02:00 ljh_dev <ljh_dev@126.com>:I am ready to deploy a local lava single master demo system. The server and dispatcher had be installed in a single computer.In order to enable the server to kno the dispatcher(worker),Then how to configure something.Is doing this?:sudo lava-server manage workers add <HOSTNAME> ,that HOSTNAME is changed in /etc/lava-dispatcher/lava-slave file? And when did,How to see whether dispatcher is working already?
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