Good evening,

Thank you for your answer,

I was running the version 2016.12 of LAVA. I did a simple install on my Debian Stretch Desktop but Debian stable releases of LAVA do not receive updates to LAVA directly. 

Today I installed lava-server from stretch-backports. I was expecting to get the 2018.2.1 version of LAVA as we can see here, but the update I got was lava-server 2017.7.1 and lava-dispatcher 2017.7.1.

Do you know why a sudo apt -t stretch-backports install lava-server is not pointing to the 2018.2.1 version of lava-server and lava-dispatcher? 

I added " deb stretch-backports main "  to my /etc/apt/sources.list.

Best regards,

On 22 February 2018 at 16:11, Neil Williams <> wrote:
On 21 February 2018 at 16:53, Conrad Djedjebi <> wrote:

Good morning everyone,

I am getting in touch with you in order to show you an issue i am facing after submitting a basic Test Job Definition through my LAVA web page (localhost). I am a new LAVA user.

What version of LAVA are you running? Integrating your own device is not easy, you should always be on the latest version - 2018.2-1 which is available from the LAVA repositories, as per the documentation.

After submitting my job, I see the following error in the job's page :

Something seems to be going wrong with "commands" and I am trying to figure out what it is.

This is old code. Current versions of that file do not even have that many lines:

Did anyone already encountered this error in the past?

(I edited a jinja2 device type file and a jinja2 dictionary file as well to match my device's properties. The device type file is saved in /etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/device-types/  and the device dictionary file is saved in /etc/lava-server/dispatcher-config/devices/). 

An error in those changes is the most likely cause.


Thank you for your help, 

Lava-users mailing list
