Dear LAVA-Team,


I’m writing you again, because we are still struggling to get our LAVA infrastructure running. Since the last time we have switched from the more advanced Board to a set of three Raspberry Pis, which we want to test with different Operating Systems to gain more experience in using LAVA.


For the configuration of our Raspberry Pi, running Rasbian, we can’t quite get past the login and reboot phase. It is connected via serial and integrated with Ser2Net, the device dictionary looks like this now:


{% extends 'bcm2711-rpi-4-b.jinja2' %}

{% set soft_reboot_command = 'sudo reboot' %}

{% set auto_login_prompt = "raspberrypi login:" %}

{% set auto_login_username = "pi" %}

{% set ssh_host = '' %}

{% set connection_list = ['uart0'] %}

{% set connection_commands = {'uart0': 'telnet <HOST IP> 7102'} %}

{% set connection_tags = {'uart0': ['primary', 'telnet']} %}


In the health check we just want to pull some standard images and deploy them with tftp, then login and run smoke tests by Linaro. The current health job looks like this:


device_type: bcm2711-rpi-4-b


job_name: RPI-01 (Raspbian) Health Check



    minutes: 10


    minutes: 2


    minutes: 10

priority: medium

visibility: public



- deploy:


      minutes: 10

    to: tftp



      type: image



      compression: gz



      compression: xz



    os: oe

- boot:


      minutes: 2

    method: u-boot

    commands: ramdisk


      - 'pi@raspberrypi:~$'


      login_prompt: 'raspberrypi login:'

      username: pi

      password_prompt: 'Password:'

      password: 1234567890


      - sudo su

- test:


    - {from: git, name: smoke-tests, path: lava-test-shell/smoke-tests-basic.yaml,

      repository: ''}

    timeout: {minutes: 5}


But with this we are having issues when the DUT is supposed to reboot because we get stuck at the login prompt. First problem is probably the auto_login, we

have defined username and password, but for the password definition we get this problem:



Can you explain, what we are doing wrong?


Then LAVA is sending the reboot commands but those always seem to fail at the login. The Error looks somewhat like this:



Does this have to do with the deployment through tftp or is it the autologin? Also the login and password prompts won’t get recognized

and are not filled in.


Can you tell us, what we are doing wrong?






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