I check the lava-master log, see next:


WARNING Unknown dispatcher <mylavaworker> (server crashed)


But, in the web page, the worker still active & online, what’s the possible reason?


Is the host name important for the link between host & worker? I’m not familiar with zeromq, could you share some inspire?


From: Larry Shen
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2018 5:34 PM
To: 'lava-users@lists.lavasoftware.org' <lava-users@lists.lavasoftware.org>
Subject: General question on how to debug lava master scheduler.


After setup a master & a worker, I add this worker to this master, also add device to this worker.


Then submit this job, the web page just show the task is in the status Submit.


The same configures seems work on my local machine(with master & worker on the same machine)


I cannot find the root cause as jobs device-type which the device have is idle & the health is good.


For such kind of issue, any way to debug? I mean if any log I can find for why lava cannot dispatch the task with its 20 seconds poll?