Hello Lava Team,

I have created some Lava jobs that use our proprietary Flasher, based on a DFU connection.
As our flasher is not a "standard" flasher, I have adapted the boot process to be able to use our flasher.
I use the boot method "minimal" to achieve this.

To call our flasher script, I have used the script called by the method "power_on". This is defined in the device configuration.

Find below an extract of the device content :
{% set hard_reset_command = '/usr/bin/pduclient --daemon localhost --hostname lava_pdu_01.lme.st.com --command reboot --port 1' %}
{% set power_off_command = '/usr/bin/pduclient --daemon localhost --hostname lava_pdu_01.lme.st.com --command off --port 1' %}
{% set power_on_command = '/root/git/lava-config/scripts/flash_stm32_programmer.sh -u lava_pdu_01.lme.st.com -p 1 -d usb1 -b ds378_2.lme.st.com -s 4_5_6 -f /tmp/test' %}
{% set connection_command = 'telnet localhost 2001' %}

This works correctly for a "static" configuration. The settings for the flasher are defined outside Lava by a script that configure the flashing parameters.
The "power_on" script reads these parameters, and launch the flashing on the board.

My problem now,  is when I launch simultaneously jobs on several boards that requires
different flashing binaries version.
I am unable to indicate to each boards which binary version to be used by our flasher.
The best way would be to pass parameters in the job to indicate which binary version has to be used by the flasher.
This could be done in the "deploy action" and pass to the "power_on" command, but I don't know how to implement it.

I don't know also if it is possible to do that easily ?

Find below my job definition.

######  Job definition  ##############
- deploy:
minutes: 5
to: ssh
os: oe
- boot:
method: minimal
failure_retry: 2
login_prompt: 'login:'
username: root
- 'root@stm32mp1'
minutes: 10
download_command: sync && sleep 15 && wget
unpack_command: tar -C / -xzf

- test: ... #############################

Thanks to support me.

