On 15 May 2018 at 16:27, <steffen@volkmann.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I am using the XML-RPC API to submit test jobs from a jenkins server to lava server.
The used methode is described here: https://validation.linaro.org/api/help/#scheduler.jobs.submit

In the case of multi node tests with first role is 'Server' and second role is "Client", the API returns a list of created job ID's (e.g. [500.0, 500.1]).
How can I determine which ID is the 'Server' job and wich ID is the 'Client' job?

import yaml

    details = (server.scheduler.job_details('219135.2'))
    if (details.get('sub_id', '')):
        definition = yaml.load(details['definition'])


Best Regards

Steffen Volkmann

Lava-users mailing list
