Hi everybody,

I'm trying to figure out how to set boot parameters (nfsroot) for a x86 board (Intel NUC10 ). 

>From this job definition I understand it's possible using iPXE:

But I can't understand what interface is being used to get terminal output and remote control: https://lkft.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/device/x86-01/devicedict
Look's like is using UART, I'm not sure I can get terminal console on boot time on my board (NUC).

The options I can get from the information found are the following (please add any corrections or suggestions):

1) iPXE + terminal console: PXE alone can't get nfsroot settings dynamically. PXE + iPXE should be added to the chain and LAVA should have access to terminal console.
2) iPXE + environment variables: LAVA sets environment variables and PXE + iPXE gets nfsroot settings from environment variables. No terminal console needed.
3) PXE + static folder: LAVA fetches and extract rootfs always to the same folder. PXE reads static configuration file.
4) PXE + dynamic folder: LAVA sets the nfsroot folder name directly on the PXE configuration file (file is machine specific).
5) PXE + INITRAMFS: fetches root file system from file server and extracts to memory.

Let me know your thoughts!
Best Regards