

We thought about doing it later in post-processing but couldn’t figure out a solution. We do need to capture values from the prompt.

As we are testing uboot, I suppose there is no other way but interactive action. Do you confirm?

Could you also confirm there is no possible trick to capture values in interactive mode?

Could it be something that could be developed, a feature that could be added ?

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,





De : Remi Duraffort <remi.duraffort@linaro.org>
Envoyé : lundi 4 avril 2022 18:30
À : Roselyne MAZIERES <roselyne.mazieres@se.com>
Cc : lava-users@lists.lavasoftware.org
Objet : Re: [Lava-users] How to retrieve the prompt content with Uboot


[External email: Use caution with links and attachments]




the test interactive action does not allow to capture values and do computations based on that. Could you do that later in post-processing?





Le mer. 16 mars 2022 à 19:14, Roselyne MAZIERES <roselyne.mazieres@se.com> a écrit :



We are writing an interactive test for uboot.


Here is the command we send:

timer start && nand read \${TMPADDR} ${nand_offset} \${TMPSIZE} && timer get || run fail

And below is what we get.

In the traces, after the “524288 bytes read: OK”, there is the timer info: 0.080.

We need to be able to catch this value and we need to perform computation on it and some comparison afterwards.

Do you have a solution to do that?

What would you advise us to do?


Thanks a lot for your help!

Best regards,

Roselyne Mazières






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Rémi Duraffort

