Hey irreallich,

LAVA assumes the devices to be controlled by a PDU, so LAVA can turn on the device in hardware.

You seem not to have this infrastructure, but you can use this LAVA functionality to issue your reset to the device. Example here:

I guess when you set the 'echo "reset 1"' command as power_on_command and as hard_reset_command, it should already work.

Try this and see if your other questions are answered by this - and re-ask them if not.

Best regards


On 2023-10-10 12:47, irreallich@126.com wrote:
I am newer ,  and I try to make new device. 
there is no uboot, kerner ... on  my system. 
for boot, we just need run cmd on host "echo "reset 1" > /dev/ttyUSB0"  , it is the mcu serial port.   
then I can get boot log from  /dev/ttyUSB1 , it is thesoc serial port.

the following is the job
device_type: orinshort
job_name: for orinshort device

    minutes: 20
    minutes: 15
priority: medium
visibility: public

- deploy:
      minutes: 10
    to: flasher

The following is the my device, it is very sample:
{# orin test short #}
{% extends 'orinshort.jinja2' %}
{% set connection_list = ['usb1'] %}
{% set connection_tags = {'usb1': ['primary', 'telnet']} %}
{% set connection_commands = {'usb1': 'telnet localhost 10009'} %}

{% set flasher_reset_commands = ['/tmp/test.sh'] %}

{% block body %}
        commands: {{ flasher_reset_commands }}

{% endblock body %}

I don't know how to set boot with serial port .
1.  about cmd     echo "reset 1" > /dev/ttyUSB0 
0.1 when I input the cmd on the host shell :  echo "reset 1" > /dev/ttyUSB0     , soc can be reset
0.2 when I add it to test.sh and run it with the following code in device,   soc can be reset too
        commands: {{ flasher_reset_commands }}
0.3 when I  use   {% set flasher_reset_commands = ['echo "reset 1" > /dev/ttyUSB0) '] %}    ,  it doesn't work. 
{% set flasher_reset_commands = ['echo \"reset 1\" > /dev/ttyUSB0) '] %}    ,  it is doesn't work.
So how to echo cmd to /dev/ttyUSB0 by flasher: -> commands? 

2. how to set boot with serial port in device jinja2 file?
if I add the fowllowing code , the test can't run
      serial: usb1

3. I think the normal process is to configure deploy boot and other operations in the job.   but I don't know how to do with my case.
just  run cmd on host "echo "reset 1" > /dev/ttyUSB0"   to start system,  how to select the method? 
how to run flasher_reset_commands  in job yaml file?

4. If the job can't start  
job state is Submitted and can't start test,  how to debug? where is the log?

I am newer and my system is special , it just like docker,  there is now uboot kernel,   we need special cmd to deploy and boot
so it is hard for me,  please give me a hand for it.
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