Hi :
We use “run_step” method in lava definitions, but it cannot work when we upgrade lava from 2018.11 stretch to 2021.01.
How can we slove this problem.
Hi, guys,
I'm currently debug permission issue on our production master, it looks like next:
1. I set user e.g. "zz" to group "imxcn", and assign device "imx8mm-evk-sh99" with the permission "change_device".
But, in our production master, "zz"(not admin), can't change the device status.
What's strange is: I have a local master on my hand, on this master, I do the same configure, the non-admin user can change the device status.
2. I check the database of our production master as next;
39 | | 2021-03-30 08:37:32.98708+00 | f | zz
8 | imxcn
290 | 39 | 8
91 | imx8mm-evk-sh99 | 8 | 9
92 | imx8mm-evk-sh99 | 8 | 5
5 | Can submit jobs to device | 2 | submit_to_device
9 | Can change device | 2 | change_device
2 | lava_scheduler_app | device
Looks all data is ok, so, base on above data, do you know any possible reason why our production server can't allow non-admin user change device permission? I'm a little lost as my local on hand server works, just central production server not work... Thanks.
Hello, LAVA maintainer:
I used to use xmlrpc to change the status of our device, now I want to switch to rest api, but I don't know how to handle it with next:
It didn't give an example, and also did not specify using GET, POST, PUT or DELETE, could you give an example to me? Like a curl command format.
Thank you!
We have job definition with multiple test definitions as shown below.
hours: 4
- repository: ssh://git@github.com:7999/<MytestRepo>.git
from: git
path: automated/linux/lttng/lttng.yaml
name: lttng
- repository: ssh://git@github.com:7999/<MytestRepo>
from: git
path: automated/linux/docker/docker.yaml
name: docker
We want to avoid multiple cloning of same repository as all our test-definitions are in one repo.
We require suggestions on how to avoid cloning of same repository multiple times.?
Maanas M D