Hi Team,
Good day to you!
I'm making a dispatcher setup to connect new devices and run tests. In
order to do this, I have connected all the required hardware correctly and
created configuration files by following Lava documentation. I Am able to
control the device with the relay board automatically and can login using
I'm trying to run my initial test job definition, It downloads the image
but fails to flash the image on device with the below message:
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.799863", "lvl": "debug", "msg": "Calling:
'nice' 'flash' 'pk_raspi-unit1' '{package}'"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.809654", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">>
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.811510", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> \r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.811674", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> 7-Zip
[64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21\r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.811955", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> p7zip
Version 16.02 (locale=C.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,8 CPUs Intel(R)
Core(TM) i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz (806EB),ASM,AES-NI)\r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.812045", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> \r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.812121", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> Scanning
the drive for archives:\r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.812195", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> 0M
Scan\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.812266", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> ERROR: No
more files\r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.812366", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">>
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.812434", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> \r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.812712", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> \r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.812790", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> \r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.812860", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> System
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.812929", "lvl": "debug", "msg": ">> Unknown
error -2147024872\r"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.813221", "lvl": "debug", "msg": "Returned 2
in 0 seconds"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.813306", "lvl": "error", "msg": "Unable to
run 'nice' '['flash', 'pk_raspi-unit1', '{package}']'"}
- {"dt": "2022-08-22T09:07:45.813411", "lvl": "exception", "msg": "Unable
to flash the device"}
Any suggestion to overcome the issue would be very helpful.
Attached log file
Best Regards.
Hi, I’m tying to login to git.lavasoftware.org but neither is my account approved nor does GitHub logins work (500 error).
Could someone please unlock my account or fix the GitHub issue?
Hi all,
I’m failing to understand how to transfer an overlay (containing tests) to an embedded device.
My device health check runs a Kernel via tftp and works fine. When I’m trying to add tests it fails since the overlay isn’t found. How are tests added when outside of a QEMU instance (which uses mount)?.
My idea was to use SCP but defining a `ssh_host` for for the targeted device gives me an error since power commands are defined. I’m thinking of a workflow like tftpboot -> wait for prompt -> run scp -> run tests.
All I could find in the docs is MultiNode related, which is from my understanding something I don’t want for this very basic testing.
Could someone please give me some advise?
Hi all,
I’m planing to test some boards running OpenWrt. Since I have plenty of routers capable to run Python code I’m wondering if someone managed to run a dispatcher/worker outside of Debian?
About 7 years ago people seem to have managed that[1] but the code base changed quite a bit, I figured.
Thanks for all further advice!
[1]: https://gitlab.nic.cz/turris/openwrt-lava/-/blob/master/lava-dispatcher/Mak…
My console connection terminates if I add the logic to reset my target
physically. But this does not if I reboot my target using "reboot"
I suspect this issue may arise due to re-initiating my target USB-Serial
ftdi driver after target physical power off/on.
Is there any way to re-establish the terminal connection after
physically rebooting my target without terminating?
Attached screenshots.