I saw a file 'lava-dispatcher/actions/boot/gdb.py' in the LAVA source code, which seems to define a gdb method in action->boot. But I didn't find a description of it in the LAVA documentation. The document I checked is `https://docs.lavasoftware.org/lava/actions-boot.html?highlight=boot#boot-action-reference`.
Reading the source code may lead to some misunderstandings and is time-consuming. I hope someone who knows its function can explain to me what this new method does. Thank you very much!
I want to add some key:value pair in metadata of json that POST by notification of job, but I can not figure it out. I had tried add metadata in job defination and test defination, but the back json did not have my data in metadata field, it was just a [].
Then I read the lava source code, I find the metadata data are produced by method `get_metadata_dict()` in class `TestJob`. This method is called at method `create_job_data` in class `TestJob`, it creates the json data which will post to callback url. `get_metadata_dict()` check whether there is an attribute `testdata`, but I can not find the place where this attribute‘s assignment.
Could someone give me a way to do this? Thanks you very much! 🙏