How do I find the exit code that was returned? I don't see anything on the web ui and the job output log doesn't have anything by the looks of it. If it's the endtc and starttc in the log, then the endtc is 780 and the starttc is 778.
Here's the job def:
device_type: controller job_name: controller deploy test
context: lava_test_results_dir: /tmp/lava-%s
timeouts: job: minutes: 15 action: minutes: 10 connection: minutes: 5 priority: medium visibility: public
actions: - deploy: timeout: minutes: 5 to: tftp kernel: url: file:///kernel.img type: uimage ramdisk: url: file:///ramdisk.gz compression: gz dtb: url: file:///u-boot.dtb
- boot: transfer_overlay: transfer_method: http download_command: cd / ; tar -C /tmp/ -xzf /data/wgetcurl.tar.gz ; cd /tmp/ ; ./wgetcurl/wget -nv unpack_command: tar -C /tmp -xzf
timeout: minutes: 5 method: minimal prompts: ["# $"] auto_login: login_prompt: "login:" username: root
- test: timeout: minutes: 10 definitions: - repository: https://<pat> from: git path: artifactory/artifactory.yaml name: artifactory history: False