I have checked the ramdisk during a test run, and the overlay is definitely applied to the ramdisk and the test scripts and stuff are there. But LAVA is looking for them on the DUT, do you know of any way to get LAVA to run it from the ramdisk to the DUT? I'm not sure you remember but the DUT uses a read-only fs, so I can't have the overlay there nor can I copy the files there. I need to be able to run the script from the ramdisk that is mounted on the worker over telnet. I can't find any test job configuration setting anywhere for tftp, and nothing in the device dictionary/template. Is it possible that it is supposed to run from the ramdisk but the ramdisk isn't actually getting mounted? Because nothing changes when I run df before and after I start the test job. However, when I run htop, the only thing that changes is memory, but it only increases by about 60-100 MB for a 1GB allocated ramdisk when the job starts and goes back down afterwards.
Best regards, Michael