Hi Remi,
Any more thoughts on what the right way to do this is?
Kevin Hilman khilman@baylibre.com writes:
Remi Duraffort remi.duraffort@linaro.org writes:
the timeout is computed by taking (see https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/blob/master/lava_dispatcher/action.py... ): # 1/ the global action timeout # 2/ the individual action timeout # 3/ the action block timeout
So a workaround is maybe (I haven't tried), to remove the deploy action timeout. So the default action timeout will be used for that deploy action and the http-download action timeout will be used for http-download. This really hacky but that might work :(
I tried, but it doesn't work either.
I removed the timeout from the deploy section, and then I tried both ways of customizing http-download as suggested by the doc:
First in the `actions` http://lava.baylibre.com:10080/scheduler/job/1862/definition#defline45
Second in the `connecttions': http://lava.baylibre.com:10080/scheduler/job/1863/definition#defline45
In both cases, I set http-download timeout to 15 minutes (900 sec), but looking at the job as it runs, the http-download timeout in the job was 5 minutes.
So, not only is my 15 minutes not taking effect, I'm not even sure where the 5 min timeout is coming from.