Sorry. I mean the sub ID of each job from the multinode looks abnormal.
The first problem is I can't access the job's web page using sub ID 'https://my.lava.server/scheduler/job/287.0' When I access url with job's sub ID, It shows '404 Not found'. I can access the job with only job ID ''.
The second problem is when this message occurs, I can't resubmit the job cause all contents in resubmit text area is empty.
I found the same situation from issue page: The issue page let me know the root cause is "When calling the .save() function in django, every field of the current object instance are saved into the database. So if the same object is used by two processes (gunicorn and lava-scheduler here), the change in one process can override the changes from another process." And the page let me know the patch for save() only updated filed from worker, device, job.
Is it okay to apply this patch for my testing? And Will the patch be included in the next release?
Thank you.