On Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 07:06:16AM +0000, Larry Shen wrote:
Hi, Milosz,
Maybe I understand wrong, but I already see there is code like next to add dynamic device node to docker container.
I tried it in manual, adb find devices after a new device node added with next code. But I don't see the docker shell try to call it with some way. What's the aim of next code if you did not want to use it? Could you double confirm internal maybe some guys is handling it, but just in process? Could you do me a favor inform me your plan if my guess is true?
I don't think people could switch from lxc to docker on android if this not support, maybe my environment wrong or anything else?
Yes, you are right. The way the docker test shell currently works won't support such a use case.
First, there was an issue with the udev rules being too strict, which was recently fixed and will be in the next release: https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/-/issues/411
This issue that you mention also needs to be fixed; I created an issue to track and I will work on it: https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/-/issues/414