Hello Stevan,
On Wed, 8 Apr 2020 17:05:13 +0200 Stevan Radaković stevan.radakovic@linaro.org wrote:
(Our jobs are submit-proxied via SQUAD from automated Jenkins builds.)
And that leads me to "502 Proxy Error" (not a rare situation with LAVA queries on production systems).
Querying by URL is considered a "live" query, i.e. not using caching mechanism in that "usual" queries do. Hence it will time out depending on the data volume in DB and the complexity of the query. That's why we recommend using the cached queries like so:
If you go to the query https://lite.validation.linaro.org/results/query page, create a Test Job query, then add query conditions described in a URL (test job submitter equals 'qa-reports-bot', test job health equals Complete, test case result equals 'Test failed') and then click on 'Run query' you'll be able to see the results of that query every time in a very timely manner since the query is now cached. I've created an example https://lite.validation.linaro.org/results/query/~stevan.radakovic/failed-tests/+detail as well.
Thanks Stevan. I was able to reproduce this query on my side too. I was aware of these non-live ("batched"?) queries, but as they seem cumbersome to use, I effectively avoiding and "forgetting" about them. Seems that even they have their uses. So, I hope the matter of removing any querying functionality (as mentioned in the discussion of https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/-/issues/394) would be approached carefully.
In the meantime, I effectively got an answer to the original question of finding jobs which fail, so will be able to look into analyzing those failures, while, per Milosz's suggestion, I learn to leverage more of SQUAD on the promise that it offers only more flexible/easier to use reporting and monitoring capabilities.
Thanks for your help!