Neil Williams writes:
The test job submission as received by lava_dispatcher must be valid - that means that the URLs provide the correct type of files. If the dispatcher has to do work, that work must be prescribed in the test job submission - this is a key part of the design of LAVA to keep the dispatcher dumb. lava-run does exactly and precisely only what it is told to do by lava-master. It doesn't make any decisions or any assumptions not prescribed in the test job submission or device configuration.
This level of abstraction is a return to the days of embedding magical logic inside lava-dispatcher and breaks the model for how LAVA test jobs can be reproduced outside LAVA.
I am not proposing embedding "magical logic" in lava-dispatcher. The logic to do mage conversion already happens today based on certain critera. I'm not sure if those critera are magical, but I do think they are too restricive.
If the files downloaded are not suitable for direct usage on the device, then the supported method is to use LXC to do the conversion work using a portable script that can be run by a developer trying to reproduce a test job on a local device, outside LAVA.
Please stop mixing things. You're trying to make it sound like I'm trying to add some super-complicated image manipulations before booting on the device, but I'm not. I'm trying to use *existing* image maniuplation in LAVA.
And yes, I'm aware of your fondness for LXC, except that today LAVA is not that restrictive. It already does image conversion _without LXC_.
Anways, I find the tone you take with outside contributors (and not only me) to be condescending. At least for me, it's quickly eroding any motivation I have to contribute to the project.