if you want to run qemu jobs inside a docker container, you need to bind /boot and /lib/modules. You then have to run the docker in privileged mode or with --device /dev/kvm:/dev/kvm:rw
2018-05-02 17:22 GMT+02:00 Nguyễn Phong Cảnh phongcanhit@gmail.com:
Dear all,
I'm testing QEMU on LAVA with my first job.
I have taken a sample here: https://staging.validation.linaro.org/static/docs/v2/ first-job.html#index-0
But, it's failed at "apply-overlay-guest" action:
Overlay: /var/lib/lava/dispatcher/slave/tmp/15/overlay-1.3.4.tar.gz Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lava_dispatcher/pipeline/action.py", line 290, in run_actions new_connection = action.run(connection, args) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lava_dispatcher/ pipeline/actions/deploy/apply_overlay.py", line 83, in run self.job.device['actions']['deploy']['methods']['image'][' parameters']['guest']['size']) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lava_dispatcher/pipeline/utils/filesystem.py", line 128, in prepare_guestfs guest.launch() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/guestfs.py", line 5705, in launch r = libguestfsmod.launch(self._o) RuntimeError: /usr/bin/supermin exited with error status 1. To see full error messages you may need to enable debugging. Do: export LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG=1 LIBGUESTFS_TRACE=1 and run the command again. For further information, read: http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-faq.1.html#debugging-libguestfs
I'm using docker LAVA version 2017.11. And, attached is my log.
Do you have idea for this issue?. Thanks in advance
Best regards, Canh Nguyen
My contact email: phongcanhit@gmail.com canh.nguyen.vz@rvc.renesas.com
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