LAVA services are the following: * on the master: ** lava-server-gunicorn: the web UI ** lava-master ** lava-logs: the logs handler ** lava-publisher: the event publisher ** postgresql: the database ** apache2: the main web server (serving static content, ...)
* on the slave (or on the master for a signal instance setup): ** lava-slave
All these services can be started/stopped/restarted using the "service" command. For example "service lava-master restart" will restart the master (if ran as root!).
2018-08-10 4:01 GMT+02:00 Yuan, ZhanghuiX zhanghuix.yuan@intel.com:
Hi LAVA team,
I meet one critical error.
We restart our LAVA server host machine. We can’t know how to restart our LAVA server service.
Could you tell me how to restart LAVA server master service with detail steps? Thanks!
The LAVA server is not installed by us. So we are not clear about this.
Lava-users mailing list Lava-users@lists.linaro.org https://lists.linaro.org/mailman/listinfo/lava-users