when trying to backup a lava instance, keep in mind that lava is made of two parts : the server (only one) and the dispatchers (usually more than one).
For the server you should backup: * the database (see /etc/lava-server/instance.conf) * the configuration: ** /etc/lava-server/ ** /etc/lava-dispatcher/certificates.d * the job artifacts: /var/lib/lava-server/default/media/job-output
On the dispatchers, you should backup: * dispatcher config: /etc/lava-dispatcher/ * all the changes you did like, /etc/ser2net.conf, udev rules, ...
Hope that helps.
Le jeu. 6 déc. 2018 à 18:35, Chris Sauer csauer@peoplenetonline.com a écrit :
Im deploying lava using the docker container and I am looking at the correct paths to mount as volumes as to not lose data between cluster rollovers. (and to have to backups) If I change the instance.conf to point to a database that is outside of the container that gets backed up and includes these paths in my volume mounts is that all I need to do? Or is there additional paths/files that should be included.
If anyone knows anything about this thanks!
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