Hi, I am new to lava and trying to submit a job on lava scheduler ,job submitted nut no result is coming. I am trying to test the CIP Kernel on the Beaglebone Black(board is physically connected to my linux machine). Health checkup is working somehow . I am following the steps from here https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/civilinfrastructureplatform/ciptestingrefer...
Pre-requise: 1. I have built(cip_v4.4.92) the CIP Kernel with Kernel CI as the steps mentioned in https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/civilinfrastructureplatform/cipsystembuildh... 2.Target is booted and up and flashed with debian 4.9 rootfs
Job Definination is pasted here
Need help for going further !!!!
Thanks & Regards, Smita Gumansingh