do you have lava-coordinator running?
Le lun. 14 juin 2021 à 14:29, Hedy Lamarr lamarrhedy97@gmail.com a écrit :
By the way, we use 2021.03.post1.
On Wed, Jun 9, 2021 at 10:40 AM Hedy Lamarr lamarrhedy97@gmail.com wrote:
Dear community,
We are new to lava and try to use lava in our android test. We have issues when test iperf.
job_name: android iperf test timeouts: job: minutes: 10080 action: minutes: 120 connection: minutes: 5 priority: medium visibility: public protocols: lava-multinode: roles: device: count: 1 device_type: dragonboard-410c timeout: minutes: 5 host: count: 1 device_type: ssh timeout: minutes: 5 context: ssh_host: localhost ssh_user: root ssh_port: 22 ssh_identity_file: /root/.ssh/id_rsa actions:
- deploy: role:
timeout: minutes: 2 to: ssh os: debian
- host
- boot: role:
method: ssh connection: ssh prompts: - '@labpc1'
- host
- test: role:
timeout: minutes: 120 definitions:
- host
- from: inline name: smoke-case path: inline/test.yaml repository: metadata: format: Lava-Test Test Definition name: smoke description: Run smoke case run: steps: - sleep 60 - lava-send "server_ready" - iperf -s -V -P 1
- test: role:
- device
- from: inline name: cts_cts-media_test path: inline/cts_cts-media_test.yaml repository: metadata: description: cts cts-media test run format: Lava-Test Test Definition 1.0 name: cts-cts-media-test-run run: steps: - adb wait-for-device - adb devices - adb root - adb wait-for-device - adb devices - lava-wait "server_ready" - sleep 3 - lava-test-case "Case1" --shell adb shell /data/local/iperf -c -t 10 docker: image: terceiro/android-platform-tools timeout: minutes: 4200
The job log for dragonboard-410c is:
- lava-wait server_ready
<LAVA_WAIT_DEBUG preparing Wed Jun 8 10:07:22 CST 2021> <LAVA_WAIT_DEBUG started Wed Jun 8 10:07:22 CST 2021> <LAVA_MULTI_NODE> <LAVA_WAIT server_ready> <LAVA_WAIT_DEBUG finished Wed Jun 8 10:07:22 CST 2021> <LAVA_WAIT_DEBUG finished Wed Jun 8 10:07:22 CST 2021> <LAVA_WAIT_DEBUG starting to wait Wed Jun 8 10:07:22 CST 2021> NOTE: it looks hung at this step, the job can't continue.
The job log for ssh is:
- lava-send server_ready
<LAVA_SEND_DEBUG lava_multi_node_send preparing Wed Jun 8 10:07:53 CST 2021> <LAVA_SEND_DEBUG _lava_multi_node_send started Wed Jun 8 10:07:53 CST 2021> <LAVA_MULTI_NODE> <LAVA_SEND server_ready> Received Multi_Node API <LAVA_SEND> messageID: SEND-server_ready lava-multinode lava-send Handling signal <LAVA_SEND {"request": "lava_send", "messageID": "server_ready", "message": {}, "timeout": 300}> Setting poll timeout of 300 seconds requesting lava_send server_ready message: {} requesting lava_send server_ready with args {} request_send server_ready {} Sending {'request': 'lava_send', 'messageID': 'server_ready', 'message': {}} final message: {"port": 3079, "blocksize": 4096, "poll_delay": 3, "host": "", "hostname": "lavaslave1", "client_name": "3035", "group_name": "8a362e2a-6ee9-4f48-bddb-378ac2425f06", "role": "host", "request": "lava_send", "messageID": "server_ready", "message": {}} Connecting to LAVA Coordinator on timeout=300 seconds. case: multinode-send-server_ready case_id: 39177 definition: 0_smoke-case result: pass <LAVA_SEND_DEBUG _lava_multi_node_send finished Wed Jun 8 10:07:53 CST 2021> <LAVA_SEND_DEBUG lava_multi_node_send finished Wed Jun 8 10:07:53 CST 2021>
- iperf -s -V -P 1
Server listening on TCP port 5001 TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)
It seems that one node can't receive server-ready from another node, what's wrong with my job? Please help!
Thanks, Hedy Lamarr
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