Possibly the hardest thing that can be done with LAVA is to integrate a new device-type. Every story is different, every device has it's own issues.
The LAVA software team would like to build a history of integration stories to document the recovery process, provide integration hints for others, build a wider picture of the requirements of automation across the ecosystem.
A key part of any device integration is how to recover a device which has been taken offline by a broken build or broken test action. It is rare that a new device is suitable for LAVA directly out of the box, there are usually firmware updates, configuration changes, jumper settings or other mods required. Each of these steps needs to be documented so that someone else can integrate the same board into their instance and the same steps are useful when recovering a bricked device. Having the Jinja2 template is not usually enough.
(As a side note on that, we do welcome all contributions of new jinja2 templates. The one place where everyone looks for new device-type support is lava_scheduler_app/tests/device-types/ in the master branch of http://git.linaro.org/lava/lava-server.git. If you have integrated a device-type which does not exist in that directory, please follow the contribution guidelines in the documentation and submit your Jinja2 template for review.)
Recent device integrations in LAVA are documented through a process of comments on JIRA stories (all LAVA JIRA stories are accessible anonymously). Sometimes this turns out to be trial and error, so sometimes a README document or similar is created for easy reference. I'll post some of our recovery README documents on this thread later.
This is a request for contributions of your integration stories, your device recovery README documents and your input on what are the minimum requirements for automation in general.
It doesn't matter how unusual the hardware or how commonplace. It doesn't matter if it took months to integrate or days. Someone may need your information to setup the same device in their instance. If your device is available on the open market, someone could be thinking of how to automate it.
Please post your recovery README texts, integration stories here. This list is publicly archived, so this should make it easy for others to find your contribution in their favourite search engine.
In future, as well as unit tests, the LAVA software team may ask for the recovery notes and integration story to be posted here when reviewing contributions of Jinja2 templates.