Further to the notice about the availability of django1.8 support: https://lists.linaro.org/pipermail/lava-announce/2016-April/000007.html
The 2016.7 release of lava-server will be moving to requiring django1.8 from jessie-backports and will no longer work with django1.7 available in jessie.
This has been done because the 1.7 tree is no longer receiving upstream security or bug fix support.
lava-server installations newer than 2016.2 can use django1.8 already, as long as python-django-tables2 is updated at the same time. So you are invited to upgrade to django1.8 at any time prior to upgrading to 2016.7.
To add jessie-backports, copy the apt source for your favourite Debian mirror and paste that as a new line with jessie updated to jessie-backports.
e.g. for the http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/debian mirror:
deb http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/debian jessie main deb-src http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/debian jessie main
deb http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/debian jessie main deb http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/debian jessie-backports main deb-src http://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/debian jessie main
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install -t jessie-backports python-django python-django-tables2 $ sudo apache2ctl restart $ sudo service lava-server restart
It is imperative that python-django-tables2 is updated at the same time as python-django - the old version of django will not work with new tables and the old version of tables will not work with new django.
Backports do not automatically replace packages you already have installed, so you remain in control of which backports get installed onto your systems and can run apt dist-upgrade without getting extra upgrades.
Backports related to lava-server are also fully supported and are the recommended (soon to be required) way of installing updates for lava-server.
After 2016.7, updates of lava-server will not install on jessie without django and django-tables being updated from jessie-backports.