See also: which was also sent to these lists (except linaro-dev).
So far, nobody has come forward as a Trusty user. The only Trusty instance of which we are aware is already due to migrate to Debian Jessie.
The LAVA software team are now applying updates which will freeze LAVA software support for Ubuntu Trusty at 2015.9 for lava-dispatcher and 2015.9.post1 for lava-server due to the complexities of supporting both django1.6 and the current django1.7 in Jessie and django1.8, possibly django1.9 by the time Debian Stretch is released.
The last packages for Ubuntu Trusty 14.04LTS will be: lava-server 2015.9.post1 lava-dispatcher 2015.9
Once these changes are applied, the Debian packaging used to build future versions of LAVA packages will prevent builds against django1.6 and prevent installation if django1.6 is found, in order to prevent database corruption.
This means that Trusty users will not be able to use the results of the dispatcher refactoring.
Ubuntu Xenial Xerus - which is planned to be the 16.04LTS in April 2016 - is expected to pick up LAVA software releases from Debian up until the 2016.1 release (possibly 2016.2) and is also expected to be using django1.8. The next Debian stable release (Stretch), for which no date has yet been set, may use django1.9.
Initial attempts at migrating a test instance from Trusty to django1.7 did not go well and the migration from Trusty to Xenial cannot be supported by the LAVA software team - the recommendation is to go directly from 2015.9 on Trusty to the same version available for Debian Jessie but there will still be work to be done to prepare and implement the migration which will be instance-dependent. Documentation is being added to assist with this migration but there will remain risks of data loss which will need to be managed for each instance. It is imperative that anyone using Trusty has an up to date backup of the postgresql database dump before considering any migration. If the existing data is to be dropped, a new install on Debian Jessie is recommended.
It is not possible for the LAVA software team to support all versions of django from 1.6 to 1.9 - particular problems are known when going from django1.6 to django1.7 as the methods to migrate the lava-server database changed fundamentally in django1.7.
Notes are being added to the documentation on the trusty branch based on 2015.9 to be released within lava-server 2015.9.post1 and to the documentation in the master branch (which will go into 2015.12).
All future builds of LAVA software will now be made and uploaded only to Debian and
So far, nobody has come forward who is willing to maintain packaging for LAVA software on any distribution other than Debian. As the refactoring proceeds, we expect that it will become easier to package LAVA for other distributions but the migration to the refactoring must be complete first.
Everyone interested in or using LAVA is encouraged to subscribe to the lava-announce mailing list which is low volume and only used for substantial changes like this.
See also