Please *always* reply to the list, not to the individual.
On 19 February 2018 at 13:35, mayuri mohite wrote:
Hello Neil,
Thanks for your valuable reply i have uncomment encryption option file in /etc/lava-server/lava-logs still i am not getting any log on GUI.
Here i have attached my screen shots and my master and slave log
You've used tail on the slave.log but that has excluded all of the relevant content for this particular job - the messages when the job started. Restart lava-slave, resubmit the test job and then attach the full lava-slave.log to a reply to the mailing list.
You've sent screenshots of quite an old UI as well - what version of LAVA are you running?
(Include the output of dpkg -l lava-server lava-dispatcher )
I have submitted same job which is mentioned in
####Below steps i am running on server side if any wrong please correct me:#### 1)$ sudo apt install postgresql 2)$ sudo apt install lava-server 3)$ sudo a2dissite 000-default 4)$ sudo a2enmod proxy 5)$ sudo a2enmod proxy_http 6)$ sudo a2ensite lava-server.conf 7)$ sudo service apache2 restart 8)sudo lava-server manage createsuperuser --username <username> --email=mail_ID 9)ADD DEVICE TYPE AND DEVICES(whose worker host is hostnamefqdn of local machine) using GUI AND THEN RUN BELOW COMMAND to add device dictionary $ sudo lava-server manage device-dictionary --hostname qemu01 --import qemu01.dict $ cat qemu01.dict {% extends 'qemu.jinja2' %} {% set mac_addr = '52:54:00:12:34:59' %} {% set memory = '1024' %} 10)sudo /usr/share/lava-dispatcher/ master 11)edit /etc/lava-server/lava-master file $ cat /etc/lava-server/lava-master # Configuration for lava-master daemon
# Socket addresses of the master and logger # MASTER_SOCKET="tcp://*:5556" # LOGGER_SOCKET="tcp://*:5555"
# Logging level should be uppercase (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR) # LOGLEVEL="DEBUG"
# Encryption # If set, will activate encryption using the master public and the slave # private keys ENCRYPT="--encrypt" MASTER_CERT="--master-cert /etc/lava-dispatcher/certificates.d/master.key_ secret" SLAVES_CERTS="--slaves-certs /etc/lava-dispatcher/certificates.d/"
11)edit /etc/lava-server/lava-logs $ cat /etc/lava-server/lava-logs # Encryption # If set, will activate encryption using the master public and the slave # private keys ENCRYPT="--encrypt"
MASTER_CERT="--master-cert /etc/lava-dispatcher/certificates.d/master.key_ secret" SLAVES_CERTS="--slaves-certs /etc/lava-dispatcher/certificates.d"
####Below steps i am running on Dispatcher side if any wrong please correct me:####
1)$ sudo apt install lava-dispatcher 2)Create certificates $ sudo /usr/share/lava-dispatcher/ foo_slave_1 3)copy certificates to server side 4)changed /etc/lava-dispatcher/lava-slave configuration file
$ cat /etc/lava-dispatcher/lava-slave # Configuration for lava-slave daemon
# URL to the master and the logger MASTER_URL="tcp://" # LOGGER_URL="tcp://<lava-master-dns>:5555"
# Logging level should be uppercase (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR) # LOGLEVEL="DEBUG"
# Enable IPv6 to connect to the master and logger # # IPV6="--ipv6" # # # Slave hostname # # Should be set for host that have random hostname (containers, ...) # # The hostname can be any unique string, except "lava-logs" which is reserved # # for the lava-logs daemon. HOSTNAME="--hostname mayuridb.mayuri"
# Encryption # If set, will activate encryption using the master public and the slave # private keys ENCRYPT="--encrypt" MASTER_CERT="--master-cert /etc/lava-dispatcher/certificates.d/master.key" SLAVE_CERT="--slave-cert /etc/lava-dispatcher/certificates.d/foo_slave_1. key_secret" 5)Now restart lava-salve
######## GUI setup ############ 1)Add worker host as newly added worker i.e dispatcher hostname 2)Then submit job
On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 12:35 PM, Neil Williams wrote:
On 16 February 2018 at 12:24, mayuri mohite wrote:
Hello all,
I am following steps mentioned in static/docs/v2/pipeline-server.html#zmq-curve for installing lava dispatcher on local machine (slave which is my worker machine) and for installing lava server on another machine (master)
It's always useful to mention which version of LAVA you are running.
Check: pipeline-server.html#enable-master-encryption
Also edit /etc/lava-server/lava-logs to enable encryption:
# Encryption # If set, will activate encryption using the master public and the slave # private keys ENCRYPT="--encrypt"
Then restart the lava-master and lava-logs services.
I have added device through GUI using static/docs/v2/first-devices.html#create-device-database documentation
I have successfully added worker to serevr side and able to get message showing that encryption has been enabled on the both master and slave side.
I am able to run test job on added target which has worker as slave machine on which my dispatcher is running. My job is started it is showing runnig state but I am not getting any console log in job summary.
please help me to get debug log in job summary.
Lava-users mailing list
Neil Williams
$ cat /etc/lava-dispatcher/lava-slave # Configuration for lava-slave daemon
# URL to the master and the logger MASTER_URL="tcp://" # LOGGER_URL="tcp://<lava-master-dns>:5555"
This should be uncommented and set to "tcp://"
Thanks Remi Now able see log in GUI.
Regards, Mayuri
On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 3:18 PM, Remi Duraffort wrote:
$ cat /etc/lava-dispatcher/lava-slave # Configuration for lava-slave daemon
# URL to the master and the logger MASTER_URL="tcp://" # LOGGER_URL="tcp://<lava-master-dns>:5555"
This should be uncommented and set to "tcp://"
-- Rémi Duraffort Linaro