Hi folks,
We held our regular design meeting today via Hangout. Summary of brief
# 11th September 2019
# Reducing the privilege of lava-slave [Antonio]
It’s more or less ok that lava-run requires being run as root. But can we
run lava-slave as non-root?
Lava-slave needs to cleanup after lava-run if something goes wrong, so
there might be stuff owned by root left over and this needs to be handled.
Otherwise it’s `go for it`.
# Replacing LXC with docker [Antonio]
How exactly do we want to do that: See
https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/issues/305 and
The goal is to:
* simplify the job definition (see the job definition in
* allow to use user provided docker container to run adb
# Job level privileges [milosz]
How does that work compared to device and device-type level privileges?
See https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/merge_requests/693 for more
The job level permission are still applied, but the device-type and device
permissions are also applied (was not the case before).
# LAVA package uploads to Debian? [Steve]
I don't have time to do it anymore, and we have RC bugs:
* some django2 issues too? patches from Antonio
* One more patch https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/merge_requests/696
* Gunicorn problem? Need to update the dependency
* VLANd python3 conversion underway
* lava-coordinator debian package depends on python2
# New maintainer for vland [milosz]
Since Steve is moving to a new project we’ll need a new maintainer for
# SAN19 - all stuff up to date and slides done? [Steve]
Any meetings to plan?
* lavafed
# Moving docker base images to buster? [Rémi]
When should we use buster as the base image?
Will be the base image for 2019.10
# Hangout meetings links changed [Steve]
The documentation should be updated.
The LAVA design meeting is held weekly, every Wednesday at 13:00 to
14:00 UTC using Google Hangouts Meet: https://meet.google.com/usu-aatj-fht
Feel free to comment here or join us directly in the meeting.
Minutes from this and previous meetings are also stored in the LAVA wiki:
Rémi Duraffort
LAVA Team, Linaro