Hi folks,
We held our regular weekly design meeting today via Hangout. Summary of brief discussion:
15th May 2019
1. [Steve] https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/issues/273 - Using long URLs in notify block causes lava-logs to crash. 1. Clearly using the wrong type of field here (fixed-length CharField instead of an open-length TextField). That's easily fixed. 2. Where else might we be using the wrong data types in our DB models and potentially storing up future bugs? Quick scan of CharField uses in models.py: 1. ExtendedUser.irchandle 40 2. ExtendedUser.ircserver 40 3. Architecture 100 (primary key) 4. ProcessorFamily 100 (primary key) 5. Alias 200 (primary key) (also, ignoring due to other work) 6. Core 100 (primary key) 7. DeviceType.cpumodel 100 (primary key) 8. Worker.hostname 200 (primary key) 9. Device.hostname 200 (primary key) 10. Device.deviceversion 200 11. JobFailureTag.name 256 12. TestJob.subid 200 13. TestJob.targetgroup 64 14. TestJob.description 200 15. Notification.template 50 16. Notification.blacklist 100 (array) 17. Notification.queryname 1024 18. Notification.conditions 400 19. NotificationRecipient.email 100 20. NotificationRecipient.irchandle 40 21. NotificationRecipient.irc_server 40 22. NotificationCallback.url 200 23. NotificationCallback.token 200
2. [Remi] udev event forward 1. How to get udev events (kernel and udev types) inside a docker container? 2. The NETLINK socket is affected by the network namespaces 1. Run systemd-udev inside the docker container 2. Remove the network namespace (--net host) 1. Ugly and hacky 3. Run a service on the host that forward events 1. Another project on lavasoftware.org - udevforward.py 2. [Rémi] sending to all docker containers? Filtering the container names? 1. Currently broadcasting to the selected containers only. 3. [Rémi] Make udevforward a proper project under the lava group 1. [All] find a good name, let’s chat on irc 2. Will move the passthrough script in the same repo.
3. [Kumar] Race between Cortex-M USB devices and Connectdevice() 1. Some boards: 1 usb for serial + debug/flashing 2. udev event for the tty vs symlink created 3. [Kumar] create an issue in git.l.o/lava/lava
4. [Matt] lava-test-raise allow different exceptions 1. Parsing args on device vs parsing args on server 1. Parsing on the DUT is cleaner 2. [Matt] finish the patch and send a MR
5. [Dan] Support fastboot boot with ramdisk and NFS issue 271 1. Mimic uboot, command ramdisk or command nfs 2. Maybe something like https://staging.validation.linaro.org/scheduler/ job/252683/definition#defline39
6. [Dean] Job error spotted with message “Unable to create metadata store: [Errno 36] File name too long: '/var/lib/lava-server/default/media/ job-output/2019/05/15/61270/metadata/…” 1. How to safely truncate these filenames and still save them? 2. Check this isn’t multiple lines and test cases etc. 3. [Dean] to raise a bug with some more info
7. [Rémi] Cycle planning draft 1. -ENOTIME, coming back to this later
The LAVA design meeting is held weekly, every Wednesday at 13:00 to 14:00 UTC using Google Hangouts Meet: https://meet.google.com/qre-rgen-zwc Feel free to comment here or join us directly in the meeting.
Minutes from this and previous meetings are also stored in the LAVA wiki: