Hi folks,
We held our regular weekly design meeting today via Hangout. Summary of brief discussion:
## lava-lxc-mocker + db845 booting kernel/dtb/modules [Matt]
* Kevin and Matt: how to change binaries before flashing with fastboot? * Should be possible using lxc and lxc:// * See [lxc-sdm845-mtp-test](https://validation.linaro.org/scheduler/job/1912316/definition) * Kevin: issue with lava-lxc-mocker inside docker container * [Milosz] Working for [lavasoftware/lava-dispatcher](https://hub.docker.com/u/lavasoftware/lava-dispatcher) docker image * Kevin to compare his docker container to lavasoftware/lava-dispatcher
## Replacing lxc protocol by docker (without protocol) [Rémi]
* New feature for the near future * Allow for simple deploy.fastboot and boot.adb actions * No need for lxc protocol anymore * With the option (per job) to use a custom docker container
## u-boot commands: nfs vs ramdisk [Rémi] * After [!467](https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/merge_requests/467), u-boot jobs booting from nfs without a ramdisk are failing. See [meta-lava](https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/meta-lava/-/jobs/38813). * [!492](https://git.lavasoftware.org/lava/lava/merge_requests/492) fixes this but breaks [cubietruck](https://federation.lavasoftware.org/lava/scheduler/job/361) * Jobs using both ramdisk and nfs will fail (every job booting debian) * Adding a new command: "ramdisk-nfs"
## lavafed and KCI [Rémi] * Presenting lavafed * [Kevin] will this be a problem with multiple dispatchers? * [Rémi] lavafed will see the lab as many sub-labs (one per dispatcher) * [Kevin] is it possible with docker dispatchers? * [Rémi] yes. Install docker-cli and bnd the docker socket in the container. LAVA will then be able to call docker run from inside the container.
Rémi to send a mail with the details to kevin
## 2019.04 release [Rémi] * When do we release? * Next Monday * What can be moved to the next release? * See GitLab milestone
## REST API filtering - issue with package dependencies [Milosz] * [failing pipeline](https://git.lavasoftware.org/mwasilew/lava/pipelines/3220) * Looks like a problem when building the debian package * Steve to look at it.
The LAVA design meeting is held weekly, every Wednesday at 13:00 to 14:00 UTC using Google Hangouts Meet: https://meet.google.com/qre-rgen-zwc Feel free to comment here or join us directly in the meeting.
Minutes from this and previous meetings are also stored in the LAVA wiki: